PTFA Updates
Welcome to Term 2 parents! We hope everyone is healthy and doing the best they can. Just a reminder we have a whatsapp group to encourage anybody that is selling goods or services to join the group and spread the word about their products. The group is for home...
PTFA Updates
We had a virtual meet up with new parents of Dyatmika on the 4th of September.Thank you for the new parents that showed up. Hopefully you have more of a feeling and understanding about Dyatmika and how things work. To the new parents who didn’t get a chance to join...
PTFA Updates
PTFA would like to thank all the new class reps that have volunteered for this year. We are always so appreciative of you passing information on quickly to the school parents. We would like to organise a zoom meet for new parents of Dyatmika soon, please stay tuned...
PTFA Updates
Welcome back! Hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday. We had our first PTFA meeting and it was great to welcome the new parents interested in joining. We of course are still open to more volunteers. Please email us if interested at: we would...PTFA Updates
We really hope everyone is staying healthy and safe during this time. PTFA have started a group on whatsapp called Dyatmika Family HI, to encourage and support everyone in our school community that may be selling goods or services. The group is for anybody who has a...
PTFA Updates 6 March 2020
We would like to say thank you very much to the parents that attended the PTFA General Meeting on Monday, 10 February.

PTFA Updates – 24 January
Welcome back! We hope everyone had a great Christmas break and a Happy New Year.

PTFA Updates – 13 Desember
It is almost the end of the year! Time is flying by.
The We Will Rock You concert was a hit! We are glad we could help with the production.

PTFA Updates – 15 November
The PTFA were ready last week to help with refreshments at the SD Swimming Carnival

PTFA Updates – 1 November
We have had a good start to the year with the AGM filled with fresh new faces. We would like to say thank you to all the parents who attended.

Join us at the PTFA AGM on Thursday 3 October 2019
PTFA AGM on Thursday 3 October 2019

Join the PTFA – Get Involved…
We are looking for new, enthusiastic members to help make the school even better!

PTFA Update – August 2019
Welcome back to all parents and friends from the PTFA Executive team.

PTFA Updates – June 2019
The PTFA Exec team would like to thank everyone who was able to attend the meeting on 29 May. There was a good turnout with more than 15 people attending. We enjoyed a very good presentation from Ibu Esther about the Extracurricular activities and plans for the upcoming year. She shared great information on the programme and many questions were asked about the activities and how it is developing.

PTFA Updates – May 2019
As we approach the end of the school year, the PTFA Executive team would like to invite all parents and friends, including the Heads of the School, teachers and admin staff to the end of school year PTFA General Meeting on Wednesday 29 May, from 8.15AM. We hope you...
PTFA Updates – May 2019
We hope most of you were able to attend the PTFA Pot Luck Dinner party a few weeks ago and enjoyed the event as much as we did.

PTFA Updates – April 2019
This week the PTFA is holding the second Family PotLuck Party today, Friday 26 April from 2.30pm.

PTFA Update – April 2019
The PTFA held a general meeting just before the Holidays. Thank you to the parents, students, teachers and others who attended. There was an informative presentation from the school on the university and career guidance offered to students during their education at...