Our Students as Learners
At Dyatmika we have developed a Learner Profile that describes the attributes that we want students to develop during their time at Dyatmika. The Learner Profile draws on Dyatmika’s Charter as well as contemporary research and thinking about four key aspects. It is Dyatmika’s aim to support students to grow in these significant ways.

Double Award Programme
Dyatmika School follows two fully accredited student curricula. As a Cambridge International School, we offer the Cambridge programme from Primary Prep up to Class 12. This curriculum guides our English programme and also provides a framework for other key subject areas across Early Childhood, Primary School and High School.
Students take the Cambridge IGCSE, AS level and A level examinations in many different subjects, which are recognised in universities and colleges worldwide. More details about this can be found in the High School section of our website.
Dyatmika is a Satuan Pendidikan Kerjasama (SPK) school in Indonesia from Playgroup to Class 12. We are proud to deliver the compulsory National Curriculum elements required by the Ministry of Education, and students with Indonesian (or dual Indonesian plus one other) nationality sit the government-required examinations in Classes 5, 8, and 11.
From Class 9 Dyatmika offers a double award for students with Indonesian / dual nationality, meaning that these students graduate from Dyatmika with both National and Cambridge examination results. Our graduates have gone on to top colleges and universities around the world and in Indonesia with these qualifications.
Why Cambridge International?
“Success in Cambridge qualifications often gives students admission to the world’s best universities – in the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, Germany and beyond.”

Our School Leadership
Dyatmika has two leadership bodies, the Yayasan and the Whole School Executive. The school’s governing body is the Dyatmika Sekar Bawana Foundation. It is a legally recognised Yayasan here in Indonesia. All Yayasan members give their time voluntarily. They are current or former parents of students within the school who offer their various business, legal, education and other professional expertise. The Yayasan ensures that the vision and mission of the Foundation is adhered to and that the standard of education and school operation remains high and in keeping with Dyatmika’s vision and ethos. The Whole School Executive (WSE) is composed of international and national academic and administrative staff. The role of the WSE is to ensure a quality education and to make certain that Dyatmika’s values are nurtured through the curriculum and other school activities. This leadership group also oversees the effective running of the school on a day-to-day basis.
Student Leadership
Dyatmika provides formal programmes and informal opportunities for students to develop as leaders. The student body elects peers to a representative group, OSIS, and to the Executive Student Council. They also have many other pathways to develop related skills and understandings during their time in our school.
Our Teachers
The quality of teaching and learning at Dyatmika is high and continues to improve. All of our teachers are fully qualified and experienced. Our international teachers work collegially with their Indonesian counterparts to plan and deliver teaching programmes based on current, effective teaching and learning strategies. The majority of our international teachers come from the UK and Australia, with many having previous international experience. The excellent national and international reputation of Dyatmika means that we are able to attract high quality teachers.
At Dyatmika we value our teachers and promote their Professional Development. Teachers take part in face-to-face courses of international standard throughout this region, in other areas of Indonesia and within Bali. We also invite international education experts to visit our school to deliver workshops. In addition, our teachers complete international online courses.
To complement external Professional Development, Dyatmika has a programme of onsite continuous professional learning. The programme includes regular after school meetings, peer Learning Walks where teachers observe each other in action and share best teaching practice, as well as professional learning during PD week and PD days.
Every year teachers undergo appraisal using established international and national standards. Appraisal consists of formal lesson observations and ‘drop-ins’, as well as planning and work checks. The results of formal examinations and standardized tests are analysed, with related improvements included in action plans. Teachers work and report on their individual development goals throughout the academic year.
All our teachers meet high standards of selection. We meet them in interviews, contact their referees and carry out checks on qualifications and criminal records. All international teachers have more than 5 years of teaching experience.