High School
Teaching and learning in High School is engaging and rigorous. Our varied curriculum covers the acclaimed International Cambridge Curriculum and required National Curriculum subjects. The curriculum is further supplemented through a variety of engaging enrichment opportunities and through the Dyatmika Charter and Learner Profile.
Lessons are stimulating and engaging, with an emphasis on continual improvement both for the students and teachers. Each subject has clear schemes of learning which are shared with students and parents so everyone knows the next steps in learning.

Jonathan Cherry
International Head of High School
Welcome to the High School at Dyatmika. We are committed to academic excellence, social and cultural integration, and continuous improvement in learning. Through the Cambridge programme we build our students’ broad knowledge and intellectual capacity in preparation for higher education at top level institutions around the world.
Our highly qualified and experienced team of international and national staff ensure support for all students’ learning. We build a strong achievement culture through active and engaging classes led by specialist teachers.
Students are taught in English in the High School. However, to ensure our commitment to bilingual education, every student continues to study Indonesian in specialist lessons.
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In order to serve the students of our community, the High School also offers the National curriculum and exams. In Classes 6 to 12, the National curriculum can be studied concurrently with the Cambridge curriculum. Students study the Cambridge curriculum in Class 9 and 10 (IGCSE) and then study the National curriculum alongside the AS and A Level curriculum in Classes 11 and 12, achieving a double award on graduation.
Extracurricular Activities and field trips are other key areas of the educational experience at Dyatmika. Our sports teams are successful, with high student participation. Many of these events are supported by the PTFA which fosters a strong sense of community. We promote an open door policy where parents are welcome to arrange to see teachers at any time. Together, we support our students better to achieve their potential.

Extracurricular Activities (ECAs)
At Dyatmika we are committed to providing a wide variety of extracurricular activities for students to expand their horizons. Our aim is to facilitate a broad range of experiences, allowing each student to find their passion.
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The programme has been designed to complement and enhance the curriculum, and provide students with rich and comprehensive educational experiences. ECAs are led by teachers, specialists and even students, giving them the opportunity to learn from experts in all areas.
To reward and encourage commitment to ECAs, students can earn their CAS (Community, Academic, Sporting) Award. To achieve this they must show sustained commitment to a variety of activities throughout the year.
Click here to view the list of Extracurricular Activities currently offered.

Student Wellbeing
Dyatmika’s policies and procedures have been designed to meet the personal, social and academic needs of our students. We aim to promote a positive, safe and supportive learning culture.
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Each student belongs to a Homeroom based on their House Group. Homeroom teachers play a key role in monitoring the wellbeing and academic performance of students. They are also supported by an Academic and Pastoral Coordinator and the School Counsellors.
Underachieving students are identified and early intervention strategies are implemented to improve their progress. In Classes 11 and 12, students are also provided with an individual University Guidance Advisor to provide assistance with course applications.
There are many communication channels between the school and parents to ensure students are supported in their behaviour and wellbeing. A school counselling programme is available to students who require further support.

Support for Learning
At Dyatmika, we understand that our students possess a range of abilities and talents in different areas. We give them the opportunity to thrive and reach their potential.
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In Classes 7 and 8, two teachers are present in all core subject classes to ensure a high level of support for students. From Class 9 onwards, classes are split into three groups to cater more specifically to each student’s needs and interests. For Classes 11 and 12, teachers are available by arrangement for extra support during study periods.
English is the basis of teaching and progression in all subjects as the first language. Therefore, we offer extra after school English language classes for a select group of students. We are also able to help students connect with an external language service provider for additional programmes after school. Support is also offered for other core subjects.
Parental communication is of utmost importance at Dyatmika. In addition to regular parent evenings and information sessions, we encourage parents to get in touch and visit at other times. Our Engage portals provide information about attendance, homework, grades, effort and rewards, which parents can access online anytime.
Learning in High School
Below is an outline of the subject areas for each Class in High School.
Lower Secondary Handbook
For details about Class 6,7 and 8 courses, please view our booklet below:
Lower Secondary Handbook
For details about course choices, please view our booklet below:
Classes 9 and 10 Course Choices
Information Technology
For details about course choices, please view our booklet below:
Classes 11 and 12 Course Choices
Please click below to access our Science department websites.
University Guidance
At Dyatmika we provide close support with university applications. Students from Classes 9 to 12 have bi-weekly lessons covering topics such as Career Planning, University Courses, Application Procedures, Presentations and Interviews. In Classes 11 and 12, every student is assigned a specialist counsellor depending on their chosen path. Each student meets their counsellor at least twice per term to build and prepare their university application.

School Hours
Monday to Friday
Class 6 to Class 12
Arrival Between 7.30 am and 7.45 am
Home Room: 7.50 am – 8.00 am
Morning classes: 8.00 am – 12.25 pm
Afternoon classes: 1.20 pm – 3.00 pm
Students are expected to arrive at school on time and are encouraged to be at school 15 minutes before class starts.