Frequently Asked Questions About the Reopening of The Campus

Here are some recent questions from parents about the school campus reopening. We have included the questions with the answers in case you are also wondering about these matters. How can I keep up to date about what is happening with COVID-19 related...

News from EYP & Primary

As usual, your child’s academic report will be available to you at the end of the semester. These reports are only different in that they address HBL work and participation as opposed to the normal classroom routines. We know that some children have found aspects of...

Semester 1 House Points

So far, House Tunjung is in the lead with 1265 points in Term 1 and Term 2. We still have another Semester to go so keep earning those points for your house! Click here to see your House and Class totals for Semester 1.  Primary House Points Semester 1 Here are the...

Matundaku Business Talk

By Natania, Class 9 On Tuesday 10th of December, Class 9 students were visited by Arya Vasco, an inspiring actor and entrepreneur; who graduated from Dyatmika in 2018. During the quarantine time period, he realized that he would have a lot of time on his hands, so he...
POD Chocolate Business talk

POD Chocolate Business talk

By Maria, Class 12 On 27 October 2020, Class 12 Business received a talk from Pak Toby, the founder of POD Chocolate Bali. As we are currently facing a global pandemic which has affected businesses throughout the world but especially those in Bali, it was very...

Dyatmika’s Got Talent – Holiday Special

On Friday night the Music Department presented a special “Holiday Special” version of Dyatmika’s annual talent show, Dyatmika’s Got Talent. Our ESC president was our host for the evening and Pak Philis and Ibu Sarah were the judges as our students and staff...

CAS Extracurricular Award

The CAS Award has a new look! This year the award will be given each Term to encourage more students to commit to a range of extracurricular activities.  Despite the limitations of HBL, many students attended activities in Term 2, achieving both bronze and silver...

Ho Ho Ho, Merry Fitmas!

On Thursday, Primary School celebrated the end of another busy term with our second ever virtual sportsday.  Class 5 leaders planned and led the event which was a lot of fun for all involved. During the day students competed for house points by completing a...

ESC – Community Day

This term, the Student Council has given back to the community, both to the Dyatmika family and to the community of Bali as a whole. Following our yearly traditions, the student council planned and executed their very own Community Day for the younger students (Class...
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