Welcome to the 2020-21 school year!

Welcome to the 2020-21 school year!

Welcome to Dyatmika for the start of 2020-21, especially to new students, families and teaching staff. As you are aware, we are back together with Home Based Learning and a strong commitment to our students and their learning. As a school we can be together, even...

Welcome to Dyatmika’s first HBL Newsletter

Welcome to the first newsletter sent out during Dyatmika’s campus closure and the introduction of Home-Based Learning (HBL). We thank you for your understanding and partnership as we navigate these challenging and dynamic times. The support of parents and the...
Welcome to the 2020-21 school year!

Coronavirus (nCoV)

At the time that this newsletter is being sent, there are no confirmed cases of the new coronavirus (nCoV) in Bali. However, Dyatmika has a well-developed response to guard the wellbeing of students and staff if things change. We are coordinating with other SPK schools to plan health and safety precautions.

Welcome to the 2020-21 school year!

Welcome Back for Term 3!

We are very excited to have now moved into our two large, new Music classrooms, complete with soundproof practice rooms. Thank you to the PTFA for purchasing recording equipment which will be installed soon.

Have a wonderful break!

As we come to the end of Term 1, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents and friends of Dyatmika for their support, both when things are running smoothly and during the occasional challenging times. A great deal of what we do in our school cannot be achieved without you!

Emergency Drills

Emergency Drills

The school regularly undertakes emergency drills to make sure that everybody follows Dyatmika’s detailed safety procedures.

Use Your Head and Wear A Helmet!

Use Your Head and Wear A Helmet!

This week signs have been placed around the school to remind people that helmets must be worn by both riders and passengers on motorbikes / scooters when travelling to and from Dyatmika

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