As you will have undoubtedly seen, thanks to the tireless work of our gardeners the Community Garden is getting bigger and bigger by the day As more and more beds are built we find we have an ever increasing need for seeds, trees, plants and manure!
To help us with this, we are turning to our school community. Can you provide us with any of the following?
Manure and fertilizer
We need lots of manure to make our lovely liquid fertilizer. Cow, chicken and even elephant manure are all valuable sources so if you can help, we will happily come and bag it up and take it away. We also need rice stems and rice husks so if you know any farmers that might have access to these and would like to get rid of them we will certainly be interested.
We would like to grow as many varieties of fruits and vegetables in our garden but it is not always easy to find organic seeds. If you have access to a good source organic seeds then we would love to talk to you. Perhaps you are travelling abroad at Christmas and can bring some seeds back? We would welcome any seed that is organic in particular citrus tree seeds, grape seeds and herb seeds.
Trees and plants
We know that many of the members of our school community have gardens of their own. If you have any trees or plants that you would like to donate then we can certainly give them a good home.
Please contact if you can help with any of these requests.