On 5 November, the Class 7 Maths class walked to the Dyatmika Community Garden to construct a topographical image of a sector of the garden (ten by ten metres). In order to do that Ibu Made Suparmiti, supplied Class 7 with one-metre rulers, a ten-metre string and a tube filled with water to level the string. First, the students divided into groups and tied the string to a bamboo stick at the height of the border of the parking area. Next, the students levelled the string with the tube filled half-way with water, so the measurement would be fair. After that, the students measured the height of the string from the ground, after every metre, and then they recorded the results in a table.
The point of this measurement was to know where the water will settle on the garden so that gardeners can build drainage and natural ponds.
According to some of the students, the hardest part of the experiment was working together to do the whole procedure, and now students know that real-life maths is more difficult than maths which is done in school, on paper.
By Artemy, Class 7Y