First, let us introduce ourselves: Alma (Head of Creative), Maria (Head of Operations), Rocco (Head of Public Relations), Samantha (Head of Finance and Fundraising) and Yoko (President); we are the new Student Council Executives and are all incredibly honoured to take up our positions. We are eager to continue the overwhelming success of last year’s Student Council.

Despite the current circumstances, we are determined to ensure this year is as enjoyable for students as possible. We are a team of optimistic individuals who are eager to adapt events to the online environment. Hence, we are proud to introduce Dyatmika’s first ever Indonesian Heritage Week, which will take place from 10-14 August. Seeing as students will not be able to partake in the annual flag-raising ceremony, we have decided to give students the opportunity to explore educational resources and participate in a number of competitions. Students and parents can find more information on is this through their emails or our Instagram account (@dyatmikaosis)

In addition to this, we are in the early stages of recruiting the new Student Council 2020/21 and House System. By now, students have sent in all their application forms and we are currently in the interviewing process. We are excited to announce our new team on 21 August.

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