Dear Parents and Friends,

Early in the year, it was clear among the Executive of the Student Council that we intended to revitalise the council’s platform by following our “To Lead & To Serve” motto. This indicated to us that time and effort were vital in attaining our desired direction. Having to prove our abilities in carrying out council tasks while staying on top of our studies, has thus, become a constant challenge for all student council members.

But through all this, we’ve always asserted our appreciation for mentors like the High School academic leadership and School Counsellor who has taught us ways of tackling challenges by providing us with perspectives and widening our vision of the wider world. Their trust in our proposed plans have been essential in easing all internal pressures that council members otherwise face.

With the aim of being able to mentor new Student Council Executive members with the insights we’ve built up, tweaks have been made in the voting procedure for the available positions. Late in April, we held voting for the Executive Student Council for the 2019 -2020 Academic Year. The votes announced that Alden Chang, Musashi Miyashita, Primo Huang, Deon Tawas and Jocelyn Firmansyah, who are all currently finishing their academic year in Class 11, are the new 5 Executives of the Student Council.

With this, the current Executives of the Student Council would like to kindly express our gratitude to the endless help given by everyone involved in the Dyatmika community

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