On their Bridge U account, all Class 9-12 students have access to a really useful feature called the Strategy Advisor. I think of this tool like an online CV where students can start to keep a record of all the amazing things they are doing in and out of the classroom. When they come to complete their university applications in C12 they then have a handy reference point for all the evidence they will need to enhance their personal statements and letters of motivation. Also, when students request references from their teachers, the information in the Strategy Advisor is automatically shared with them so they have a comprehensive awareness of all that the student has achieved, enabling them to write a really colourful and well-supported reference.

Here are some ideas of the activities that students can record in the tool:
- travel experiences or different countries lived in
- awards
- ECAs
- positions of responsibility
- school trips
- languages spoken
- online courses
- powerful documentaries watched
- fiction/non-fiction books that have made a strong impression
- volunteer or paid work experience
- music/sports/art/drama activities
- subject interests/career aspirations
In addition to recording details about the above activities, the Strategy Advisor encourages students to identify what skills they are gaining through their participation, for example: critical thinking, teamwork, leadership, resilience, global perspective. Then, if there are particular areas that a student is weaker in, the system will offer suggestions for improvement. For this reason, it is important students start keeping a record from C9 so they have plenty of time and the support of the system to build up their strengths across all areas.

Please get in touch if you would like more advice on how to support your son/daughter in getting the most out of their Bridge U account.