As the new university application cycle kicks off I will be hosting a series of webinars for parents. These will be held via Google Meets after school to also enable students to join. I hope to see many of you there.

Tuesday, 25 August: University Applications – 4 pm
An overview of the application process for key destination countries, including: UK, Canada, USA, Australia and the Netherlands. Most suitable for parents of students in Class 9-12. Meet Link: click here

Tuesday, 1 September: Building Your CV – 4 pm
I will be exploring what universities around the world are looking for in applicants (there are significant differences from country to country) and sharing tips about how students can start to build a strong academic and extracurricular portfolio from the lower years upwards. I will also present some ideas about how students can continue to seek opportunities to expand and deepen their interests in our current landscape where face-to-face activities are more limited. Suitable for all high school parents. Meet Link: click here

Tuesday, 8 September: Bridge U – 4 pm
An introduction to the international university and careers guidance platform used by students at Dyatmika from Class 9 onwards. Parents are also given access to the system so this session will highlight the key tools available and offer suggestions about how you can support your son or daughter in maximising its potential. We also have some new tools added this year for parents who are already familiar with the platform to explore. Most suitable for parents of students in Class 9-12. Meet Link: click here

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