By Ibu Julie

“The first people who help to protect our school community from COVID-19 are parents”.

On every school day, the first people who help to protect our school community from COVID-19 are parents. You are the ones who can best watch out for symptoms in your children

Please take your child’s temperature at home before s/he leaves for school. Do not send your child to school if their temperature is above 37.3 degrees C. 

Please keep your child home if:

  • they have symptoms (including a fever). Do not mask symptoms with medicine and send children to school
  • anyone in your family has symptoms
  • they have been in contact with anyone with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19. 

School protocols require that you also tell the school. It means that we can carry out contact tracing and protect members of our school community. 

We will keep providing reminders about school health measures. as we approach the school’s reopening on campus. 

Shortly we will send Dyatmika’s updated COVID-19 protocols to you. Please also check out related posts on Instagram and via our microsite

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