This morning the PTFA hosted a meeting for all of our class representatives off-campus in the school’s Community Garden. It was an enjoyable opportunity for the class reps to meet each other in person and for Pak Nick, Pak Jon and I to share some information with reps. I sincerely thank all those parents who have stepped up to act as Class Reps, we consider this to be an important role in providing support for the PTFA and our teachers. Class Reps are essential in maintaining positive lines of communication between home and school and we look forward to a successful year ahead, with their support.

Next week we have the PTFA Potluck event on Friday 26th August from 8.15am which should be another nice opportunity for parents to meet each other and some of our staff. In the weeks and months ahead we look forward to many more parent engagement opportunities and details of some of these will be shared via email shortly.

Best Wishes,

Pak Jonathan


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