As a way to end the first term on a good note, the Student Council decided to hold Dyatmika’s very first online bake sale, where the school community is welcome to enjoy the delicious treats exclusively made by students and alumni. Despite facing challenging circumstances, the online bake sale was a big hit! Pre-orders began on the 18th of September and since then, we received a large number of orders that exceeded our expectations. On the 2nd and 3rd of October, our team successfully delivered the homemade goods directly to our customers’ doorstep.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic a lot of families in Bali have been economically affected as tourist levels have significantly dropped. The tourism industry employs approximately 2 million workers. Therefore we decided to donate 30% of the profits made to a charity called Feed Bali. In total, we have donated Rp.1.202.000 which will be able to feed 3 families consisting of 4 members for 2 weeks.
Overall, we felt that our first online bake sale was successful. If you missed the first one, please look forward to our Halloween bake sale which will be from the 30th of October to the 31st of October. The pre-order form has already been sent out to all parents as well as teachers and more information can be found in the bio of our Instagram account @dyatmikaosis.