We are rapidly approaching the end of the first semester and the events keep coming. It is wonderful to have many events happening and this helps keep the students focused until they go on holiday.

This week, Class 1 had a particularly full schedule. On Tuesday they enjoyed their field trip to Bali Zoo and then on Thursday, they had their medical checks. It is good that the school has this provision and the checks can provide some useful information for the parents.

Today was very busy and we all enjoyed the assembly with items from Class 2. Following the assembly, we then all participated in some Indonesian traditional games and this was well-lead by our Class 5 students. After the activities, Class 5 then hosted a cake, drinks and handicrafts stall for the Primary students. The money raised from the stall will go towards the preservation of turtle habitats and nesting areas.

Next week, there will be another assembly and Primary Prep will be entertaining us all. We look forward to that.

“All students can learn and succeed, but not in the same way and in the same day.”
William G. Spady

By Pak Peter, International Head of EYP & Primary

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