It has been a very busy, yet productive time at school over the past fortnight. Last Friday, all the staff were involved in the Professional Development Day. The EYP/Primary teachers engaged in a Coding Workshop, presented to us by the same company that delivers the Robotics Extracurricular. The staff thoroughly enjoyed the activities and it proved to be very challenging. We also participated in a demonstration of a Maths Online programme which we will further explore. The students in Classes 1, 2 and 3 have just begun a two-week trial so hopefully they will benefit from some extra Maths during this time. As parents, you can also take a look and see what it is all about. Lastly, the staff explored further the Cambridge Primary Curriculum and looked at some of the online courses available to them.
Class 3 and TK enjoyed their field trips this week. Of course these make up an integral part of the students’ learning and all of the students gain much when putting what is learned in the classroom and applying it to situations outside the classroom.
Today we were entertained by Class 4 at the assembly. The assemblies continue to showcase the very talented students and not forgetting, the assemblies also provide the opportunity for Class 5 students to demonstrate leadership and build their confidence when presenting the assemblies.
You will be getting information shortly about the Class 1 Health Checks scheduled for 28 November and also, following the Class 2 assembly on 29 November, some more wonderful Budaya Bali activities as we approach the end of the first semester. “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those.