By Pak Peter
As this is the last newsletter for this term, I would like to thank everyone for their support, whether that be through the support of HBL or through the Wellness Programme, thank you.
Again, touching base with the teachers through the PTCs is a good way for us all to remain connected in these times. So thank you for taking the time to speak with the teachers this week.
Ibu Julie I know has put reminders in her article about what to do in the holidays when you travel away from Bali, or stay on our island. It is very important that as a community we do the right thing and follow these guidelines to maximise the safety of everyone.
Lastly, I want to say a huge thank you to Ibu Esther who is returning home to the UK with her husband to prepare for the birth of their first child.
Although Ibu Esther is leaving Bali, she is not leaving Dyatmika until later in Term 4. Students will still see her through the DREAM workouts. She will continue to coordinate lessons with her teaching colleagues, as well as the Extracurricular Activities (online for now, in High School). Ibu Esther will carry out a thorough handover of her duties so that students have continuity of learning and Extracurricular.
We wish you and your family all the best, Ibu Esther. We will miss you!