We are all looking forward to having Pak Ben start at the beginning of Term 3. Class 2 and 3 got the chance to chat with Pak Ben last Friday and I know Pak Ben was very happy to meet everyone, including the staff.

On that note, I want to particularly thank Ibu Lindy, Ibu Jacinta and Ibu Dewi Yul for taking on some extra teaching responsibilities this semester on top of their usual timetable. Whilst quite challenging, I know the students have thoroughly enjoyed their time together.

It has been a very busy semester and I want to thank the staff. Dyatmika has gone through not just one but both the Cambridge re-accreditation and the SPK accreditation in one semester. The staff have taken all of this in their stride and it is quite humbling to work with such a dedicated and committed staff, who bring their “A” game every day to ensure the students meet with success, improvement and enjoyment at school.

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