As usual, your child’s academic report will be available to you at the end of the semester. These reports are only different in that they address HBL work and participation as opposed to the normal classroom routines. We know that some children have found aspects of HBL quite challenging. Whatever the situation is next term, be it HBL or CBL, your children will have opportunities to improve and further display the characteristics of resilience and perseverance that they have demonstrated throughout Semester 1. We are very proud of their efforts in such different circumstances and I am sure you are too.
The house points system has been fully embraced and the students now are actually working towards earning house points and working out ways in how they can. Pak Ben will be tallying up the semester scores for each house and I look forward to seeing those results.
A large number of students have begun to pile on the house points and for some students, well they just keep excelling in all that they do. More than 95% of students have now received house points this semester which is a great achievement. The following is an updated list of all the house point recipients across the Primary School:
10 house points – Alice from Class 5; Andriano, Juro, Kayla, Noe, Rey, Tara and Zowi from Class 4; Indi, On Yu, Sarah and Tantri from Class 3; Bodhi, Mimi, Naila, Nathan and Tiago from Class 2; Anya, Jacki, Jadrien, Lenaya and Liah from Class 1; and finally from Primary Prep, Arkan, Jason, Ji On, Devina, See, Lana, Lani, Lucie, Marc, Noah, Nodoko, Ralph, Rocco, Tama and Vyora.
More than 20 house points – Bella and Wisesa from Class 5; Hira from Class 4; Atisha and Mercy from Class 3; Danesh, Gemma-Mae, Jamie, Luke, Selena and Xavi from Class 2; Adi, Gus Alit, Gustra, Joshua, John, Jonathan, Leo and Lewis from Class 1; and from Primary Prep, Clara, Dalia, Jayden, Karen, Lia, Nabi and Yui.

More than 30 house points – from Class 3 Nabi and Sephira; Class 2, Dyova and Kalani; from Class 1, Gung Maya, Jasmine C.; and Ratih from Primary Prep.

More than 40 house points – Ara from Class 3; Ranu and Willow from Class 1.

More than 50 house points – Bella, Nanaka, Rebecca and Sekar from Class 1.

And finally, with a whopping first semester tally of over 60 points, congratulations to Koa from Class 1.

I wish everyone a very happy and safe holiday. Once again, most of us will be enjoying local trips away and appreciating what is at our own backdoor. For those families who are travelling overseas to a foreign country, a reminder that on your return, Dyatmika do require the children to be isolating for 14 days on their return to Bali from the date of arrival in Bali. Please notify the school of these dates so that we can accommodate your child’s learning and know when they can return to school.
For those families who celebrate Christmas, I wish you all a very happy and blessed Christmas.