Dear Parents and Guardians,
The following information reminds you that there are some changes in Financial policy for 2019-2020. You were previously advised of these changes in the Annual Report sent to you during March 2019.
1. Tuition fees will be due 4 times a year (instead of 3)
- Term 1 : 5 August
- Term 2 : 5 November
- Term 3 : 5 February
- Term 4 : 5 May
2. Tuition fee sibling discount
2.5% discount for siblings of children in the same family will not apply to payments made after the due date.
3. Admission Fee, Teaching & Learning Resources fee due 5 May
4. Late payment fine, fines are:
- 30 days late IDR 200.000
- 60 days late IDR 400.000
- 90 days late IDR 600.000
- 120 days late IDR 800.000
- 150 days late or over IDR 1.000.000