To date Dyatmika provides the convenience of making transfers for payments through the use of a virtual account. For Indonesian Citibank card holder (only) we are able to accept credit card payments starting this month (May). Citibank has established the ‘Citibank OneBillPayment’ program specially for making education related payments with no additional charges. Citibank customers (Indonesia) can collect the necessary registration documents from the school’s main office.

The school has received unidentified transfers with the following information:
• To OCBC Dyatmika’s account.
18-Jan-19 014 – Transfer in. 9309 014 MARIE FRANCES THERESE LA 300,000.00

• To Permata Dyatmika’s account
04-Apr-19 PAY SKLH DYATMIKA 873000000100929 ICS SKN 005 11:36:15 HARLINA SIDARTA0080017 (False Virtual Account Number) 30,725,625

If you have made this transfer to Dyatmika School, please come to the main office of the school with your proof of transfer.

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