This term we have been preparing for the launch of Accelerated Reader. Accelerated Reader is a reading programme designed to identify students’ reading ages; their key strengths in reading, and significant areas for improvement in their reading skills.

All students in Classes 6-9 have taken the online STAR Reading Test and this provides their reading age, and other highly useful data. We are sharing their reading ages via the Term 1 reports.

In Term 2, we will use the information from the STAR test to guide students to read books and articles that will help them to develop their reading skills. We will also share this information with you, so that you can help your child make the best reading choices for them.

Look out for more information via this newsletter, email and Parent Teacher Conferences next term. You can also use this link to access more information:

A regular reading habit is the most effective way to improve your child’s progress across all of their subjects. Research* shows that reading for at least 20 minutes every day has a hugely positive impact on their academic development and well-being. Please take some time over the upcoming break to read with your child and discuss what they are reading.

*The Yale Centre for Dyslexia and Creativity (2015) The National Literacy Trust (UK) 2017/2018

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