This term in EYP/Primary, a house point system was introduced. Many of the children have received house points this term, but I would like to mention 6 students who have already managed to earn themselves 10 house points:
• Class 5 – Jonathan, Mutiara and Nathan
• Class 3 – Nadine and Namu
• Class 2 – Kalani

Thank you to all parents who joined the Parent Teacher Conferences. Quite different, but still a great opportunity for the teachers to share with you all the progress your children are making through HBL.

Lastly I want to congratulate all the students for their efforts this term. For the moment, this is the way it is and it is very different. What I can reassure the students of, is that whatever life throws at us, we can learn new things and new ways of doing things to adjust. At some point, life will return to more normal.

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