By PSHE Education Team (Ibu Irma, Pak Ridzki, Ibu Tya)
As we enter yet another academic year in HBL format, the importance of health education for students has become even more important to support their growth in this difficult time. Starting from this newsletter, we will share various tips and resources for parents to have conversations with their children on various aspects of life. This term, we started the PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) curriculum with a topic of balanced lifestyle.
Children should learn how to balance their lifestyle at an early stage of their life. Parents, in this case, should become a great example as kids and adolescents tend to behave the way their parents do. There are 3 main reasons why teaching lifestyle balance could bring positive impacts: (1) Children become physically healthy; (2) Improve their mental well being; (3) Instill a healthy routine to reduce chaos and uncertainty.
What parents can do at home
- Ensure a conducive learning space at home. Check that anything unrelated to school has been kept away, and that everything they need is organised and within their reach.
- Maintain a HBL routine that is as close to a CBL routine as possible. Help your child/ren go through the same morning routine as they would if they were coming to school. During snack and lunch breaks, ensure that they are getting up from their desks to have their healthy snack and meals.
- Model off-screen behaviours. Put away your own devices, read a book, engage in your own hands-on hobby, ask your child/ren to prepare dinner with you or help with chores. Show them and remind them, not just tell them.
For more tips, see this resource we have been sharing with students.