By Ibu Duwi
In Week 4, Class 5 learned about the human digestive system in Science. They were introduced to the digestive system’s organs and the process of digestion. It was related to how foods are processed from mouth to the end of the process itself. The students also learned about healthy foods and nutrients. They tried to categorize many kinds of foods, which contained carbohydrate, protein, vitamin, mineral and also fat. In order to stay healthy, especially during these hard times that we are all facing right now, it is really essential to choose our diet wisely. Therefore, in their Bahasa Indonesia’s lesson, the students were asked to make an advertisement to promote healthy foods. Creating adverts is a great way of learning how to persuade others to do good things. First of all, they were asked to make some sentences which would be used as their promotion’s slogan. Afterwards, the teacher checked them and then they could pick one to be used in their adverts. The next step was making their own adverts. They made their own design. Everything was drawn by themselves. We wanted them to express their creativity and at the same time they also would understand the importance of selecting and eating healthy foods for their bodies. They only had one week to finish this activity. Surprisingly, we had many awesome adverts from them that we would like to share.