Here are some recent questions from parents about the school campus reopening. We have included the questions with the answers in case you are also wondering about these matters.
How can I keep up to date about what is happening with COVID-19 related information?
Please look for updates via the school website. The banner on the homepage will take you to Dyatmika’s COVID-19 microsite, where updates appear.
Will Dyatmika’s campus reopen on 11 January?
Dyatmika is ready to reopen from January 11. We will update you as we get more information for Government authorities. Please watch for more information from Heads of School.
What would stop Dyatmika’s campus reopening on 11 January?
If Government authorities do not process the permission letter for school reopening by that time. Dyatmika is liaising with 5 different Government offices for this purpose (PG, Paud, SD ,SMP – Denpasar Dinas; SMA – Bali Province).
If there is a massive increase in COVID-19 cases in Bali, then the Denpasar and Provincial Government authorities may withdraw their permission.
What does the government require for school reopening?
The Government requires:
• 10 documents be submitted (to each office as above)
• inspection of the school campus
• a letter of permission for reopening to be issued to the school
The Mayor of Denpasar must also give permission.
What has Dyatmika done meet the government’s reopening requirements?
Dyatmika has:
• been proactive in visiting DINAS and Provincial Education authorities
• prepared documentation quickly
• offered to be a pilot school
• been getting the campus ready since last school year
Must I send my child/ren to school? I’m too concerned.
It is your right to keep your child at home. The Government asks that you sign your permission if you wish your child to attend. Dyatmika respects your right to not give your permission.
Will there still be HBL when classes available on campus?
During the Transition and new habits phases, HBL will be available for students:
• whose parents do not permit their child/ren to attend Campus Based Learning (CBL)
• who have symptoms of COVID-19 or have a positive test, or who have had contact with people with symptoms or a positive test result and, therefore, need to isolate at home (please inform the school of absences)
For HBL:
• All lesson information will be posted onto Google Classroom e.g.
• Assignment and work submission remains online through:
ongoing work on Google docs
submitting written work via camscan (for instance) to Google Classroom
• Feedback on work will continue online
• The only feature missing will be the live Meets. This is due to teachers having to plan and conduct Classroom Based Learning in split teaching areas – due to the government regulation of having a maximum of 18 students in a learning area (classroom) for SD to SMA; 5 students in Paud. This means that teachers cannot remain in front of a camera and teach the students in the classroom spaces at the same time.
• The school will continue to track student engagement and progress.
Why must my child wear a mask in school?
This is a Government requirement for children of all ages, as well as for adults. If this is not followed the school campus cannot open.
Students can remove masks while eating their snack and lunch.
Why must my child stay 1.5m away from other people?
This is a Government requirement. If physical distancing is not followed the school campus cannot open. The WHO recommends keeping a physical distance between people as a measure against COVID-19 cross-contamination.
Will the desks be spaced out in the classrooms?
Desks are already spaced out in classrooms, ready for our students.
Why are there COVID-19 protocols at school when the WHO says that children are not really at risk?
• The WHO does not say that children are totally free of risk.
“As children generally have milder illness and fewer symptoms, cases may sometimes go unnoticed. Importantly, early data from studies suggest that infection rates among teenagers may be higher than in younger children” (WHO).
• WHO also states that children with underlying conditions are more at risk.
Children / teenagers, can transmit viruses, including COVID-19. We need to protect:
• Students of all ages
• Dyatmika families
• Our school employees
The WHO also states that:
“Reported outbreaks underscore the importance of rigorous preventive measures in schools when COVID-19 is circulating in the community. Schools should have outbreak prevention and management plans ready before resuming classes” (WHO)
Accordingly, Dyatmika has put in place robust protocols that reduce the risk of COVID-19 cross-contamination as much as is reasonably practicable.
What if I don’t agree with the protocols?
We respect people’s right to their opinion. If you have strong objections, you are able to keep your child at home.
However, Dyatmika has a responsibility and commitment to:
• meet Government requirements so that we can reopen the campus
• ensure that our school operates safely and to take all reasonable precautions to reduce the risk of COVID-19 impacts to as low as is reasonably practicable
• protect people of all ages within the school community
We understand that while people may not agree with all aspects of the protocols, they may still agree to follow them. The permission that parents have signed for their child/ren to attend school on campus states that parents:
“… agree that members of our family and people in our employ will follow these strict health protocols while on Dyatmika’s campus and in its vicinity, including carparks and roads surrounding the school.”
We thank people for their cooperation, even though they may not fully agree.
May parents enter the school campus?
Sorry, no, parents may not enter the school campus. Government regulations state that parents are not permitted to do so. Please contact teachers and admin staff in the same way that you have during the campus closure.
I want my child to have a hot lunch. Why is there no canteen service?
During the transition phase, the Government has regulated that there be no food service. Students can bring an insulated container to keep food cool / hot

During the new habits phase lunch pre-ordering will be available through the school (only), but no daily sales at the canteen. Because of COVID-19 health measures, students may not enter the warungs near the school and there will be no food drop off.