Today we say farewell to the 2019-20 school year, with two Dyatmika publications coming your way. Firstly, the 2019-20 Annual Report contains information about Dyatmika’s ethos, governance and leadership, educational excellence, progress made towards the school’s strategic plan and school finances.

The second document looks forward to when our campus can reopen. Dyatmika’s Campus Based Learning plan presents the school’s protocols for health and safety and educational programmes. Alongside that document are Standard Operating Procedures that will guide school staff.

At the moment, the Government has not yet given permission for schools to reopen. We will tell you when we know more.

Quite soon you will receive the third document, our digital Yearbook which also reminds us that although this term was characterized by Home-Based Learning, there was also a lot more to remember and celebrate since last August. You can catch up with people and great times through the yearbook. We wish all graduates and leavers the very best. Please keep in touch!

We have been reminded once again that we are ‘all in this together’ as partners who want the best for your children. Thank you for your support. My hope is that we can all find some relaxation and joy during the break.

Warm wishes,

Ibu Julie

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