This term, the Student Council has given back to the community, both to the Dyatmika family and to the community of Bali as a whole. Following our yearly traditions, the student council planned and executed their very own Community Day for the younger students (Class 6-8), where students had the whole morning to take part in different community activities organised by the Student Council. With the ongoing Covid-19 situation, a few adjustments were made to make this event possible online, which surprisingly ended up being very smooth and successful. We believed that running this event was crucial in order to maintain the strong sense of community Dyatmika has, especially in the online learning environment.

The Student Council also conducted a charity and donations drive where they asked students to donate any old or unused items like books, clothes, and toys. The books were sold at a second hand price/rate at a small Dyatmika Bazaar so students can read new books for a cheap price. The profits from the books and the donated clothes and toys will be donated to a children’s orphanage.

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