The school regularly undertakes emergency drills to make sure that everybody follows Dyatmika’s detailed safety procedures. The pictures here show us carrying out a drill for a tsunami.






Many of our staff are First Aid trained and during an emergency we set up a First Aid station to offer assistance to anyone who may be injured.

Our emergency plans draw on effective procedures used in schools internationally, along with recommendations from Embassies and the Indonesian Government. We make observations of our emergency drills that help us to make any improvements to what we do. We would like to remind you that if you are at school during an emergency drill, or an actual emergency, you must follow the directions of school staff. To not do so will mean that staff attention is distracted from students.

The school has emergency supplies of items including (but not limited to) drinking water, masks and tarpaulins. ‘Go-buckets’ are located in all learning and office spaces so that these supplies are readily available.

Please be reminded that if there is an emergency we will contact you via WhatsApp groups and SMS as soon as possible. Please do not call the school as our staff will be carrying out their role in dealing with the emergency.

We take the safety of your children very seriously.

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