By Pak Conor
Our High School talent show is back! This December we will be celebrating our talented students again with an emphasis on the approaching festive period, whilst celebrating the hard work of our students. Full details including how to sign up can be found on the poster. Please join us with our special guest judges Pak Philis and Ibu Sez on Friday 11th December. If you would like to enjoy our previous talent show, or see any of our wonderful Lunchtime Live virtual concerts from this semester, they are all available to view on our Youtube channel.
Primary Semester Soiree
This December, we would also like to invite our Primary students to take part in a short online concert, which will also be broadcast on our school Youtube channel. We are inviting anyone who would like to share their musical talents to sign up below. As this will be broadcast in December, festive music is very welcome. To take part, you must sign up by Friday 20th November and your performance must be recorded, uploaded to your Google Drive and shared with Pak Conor by Friday 4th December at the latest. Please ensure you have good lighting and your video is recorded horizontally. Sign up here I am looking forward to seeing your performance.