By Ibu Lindy dan Ibu Utami
Class 1 have been learning about plants and animals. We are trying to grow our own sunflowers. We wrote about how we planted our seeds. You can see Gus Alit’s explanation below. We hope that our sunflowers will grow really tall.
We also learned about animals that are active during the day and the night. Animals active during the day are called diurnal animals and animals more active during the night time are called nocturnal animals. We also learned that there are some animals which are active in both the day time and the night time. These animals are called cathemeral animals. Crepuscular animals are animals which are most active in the evening. Even Ibu Lindy and Ibu Utami learned something new this term! We made posters about nocturnal and diurnal animals. It was lots of fun planting our sunflower seeds and learning about plants and animals. Class 1 are independent and responsible learners and we love learning new things.