News from Primary School

By Pak Peter House point updates for this fortnight. The following students have achieved and moved beyond 10 house points.  Class 2: Danesh, Ryan, Gemma-Mae, Violeta, Xavi and Luke Class 3: Sephira and Tara Class 4: Nadia, Mei, Erin, Rachelle and Inayra Class 5:...

Class 1 Learning About Plants and Animals.

By Ibu Lindy dan Ibu Utami Class 1 have been learning about plants and animals. We are trying to grow our own sunflowers. We wrote about how we planted our seeds. You can see Gus Alit’s explanation below. We hope that our sunflowers will grow really tall. We also...

Primary House Points Term 1

Congratulations to Tunjung who won the most House Points in Term 1. House Points are awarded when children meet the Learner Profile characteristics: Social and Civic Learning – friendship, teamwork, environmentally responsible, empathy Learning How to Learn...

Message from Pak Peter

This term in EYP/Primary, a house point system was introduced. Many of the children have received house points this term, but I would like to mention 6 students who have already managed to earn themselves 10 house points:• Class 5 – Jonathan, Mutiara and Nathan•...

Primary Prep Learning About How to be Safe

Remember to look both ways before you cross the road, wear a seatbelt in the car, wear a helmet on a bike. Always wear a life jacket when you are on a boat and do not run around the pool because the floor can get slippery.

Class 1 Learning Sources of Power

We know some sources of power are the sun (solar power), the wind, water (hydroelectric power) and fossil fuels which come from the earth. Coal and petrol are two types of fossil fuels but they are not renewable. It is better for us to use renewable sources of energy,...

Writing Creative Adverts in Class 4 and 5

During English lessons this term, Class 4 and 5 have been learning about persuasive writing. As one of their final tasks, the students were asked to create an advertisement about Bali. The focus of this activity was to enhance their creativity and to write for a...

News From Early Years and Primary

Parent Teacher Conferences (PTC’s) will be taking place during Weeks 9 and 10, as Term 1 comes to a close. All classes, including Playgroup, will be running their own PTC through a Google Meet invitation that the teachers will send you. Do not use your child’s class...

Mathematics in Primary Prep

Primary Prep have been learning about the food pyramid and different ways to be healthy. We have done many fun activities, such as solving sports puzzles by answering quiz questions and doing exercises, writing and talking about our favourite healthy foods and...

Friendship in Class 1

Our Dyatmika Learner Characteristic for Week 5 and 6 was Friendship so we wrote down what it means to be a good friend. Below are our posters and some examples of our Friendship letters from Sekar, Gus Alit, Rebecca, Lewis and Nanaka.

Geography in Class 1

Class 1 have been learning geography. We now know the 7 continents, many countries and capital cities, flags, famous foods, landmarks and animals. One of our projects was to work together as a team to make a poster about a country. It was a little bit difficult to...
News From EYP & Primary

News From EYP & Primary

The House Point system is up and running in the Primary School now and I can already see proof and evidence of students doing some great things by seeing their progressive points on Engage. In the classrooms, even though we do not have the children back yet, the...
News From EYP & Primary

News from EYP & Primary

Welcome to the new academic year at Dyatmika everyone. Whilst we find ourselves again at the mercy of our laptops and other devices, let us all be reassured that we can count on each other’s support and care during this crucial period as we move towards a time where...
News From EYP & Primary

News from EYP & Primary

I have often thought about what I would be writing now in the last newsletter for the academic year. Normally I would be saying things like have a great break, safe and happy holidays, be careful and be good for Mum and Dad. Those things are still very important, but...

Dyatmika Family Sports Day

We can’t do Sportsday this year because we have to stay at home… let’s just see about that, we can with the fantastic students and teachers we have at Dyatmika! On Monday Primary had their first ever virtual Family Sports day. It was a huge success and a fitting way...

Primary Prep Activities During HBL

What will you do if you have used cardboard and plastic bottles at home? Are you going to throw them away? Certainly not with Primary Prep students. When learning about the solar system, they even made jetpacks with recycled materials they had at home. See how...

Class 4 Activities During HBL

Does learning from home restrict Class 4’s creativity? Not at all. One proof is when Class 4 learned about poetry. They tried to use similes to make Their poems more beautiful. Not only that, they also learned how to read a poem with pronunciation, intonation as well...

News from EYP & Primary

Even though we are all working remotely, it will be nice to celebrate the end of the year with our second Awards and Presentation Morning in June. The schedule has been sent to parents this week and it is hoped that family members from each class can join the Google...

TK Activities During HBL

It’s been 2 months since we started Home Based Learning in TK. We have done lots of activities so that hopefully, the students still feel like they are at school. We play some online games together, such as literacy planet. We meet virtually every morning and greet...

Primary Prep Activities During HBL

Primary Prep have been learning about the weather and natural disasters. After watching a presentation and guessing the different weather types and natural disasters we got to work. We have written books, read and solved maths stories, made posters and weather crafts....

Class 1 Activities During HBL

Class 1 has been very enthusiastic during the HBL period! They performed all their learning activities with a lot of creativity. Below you can find some of the fabulous posters they have created about the differences between Night and Day. Keep up your good work,...

Class 2 Activities During HBL

What do you do when you have to stay at home? Definitely, there are many positive and useful activities to do every day. One of the activities is learning new life skills. In PPKN lesson, Class 2 learned their new life skills to equip them for the real world. We are...

Class 2 & 3 Activities During HBL

Class 2 and 3 are fantastic authors and very hard workers. They have shown their talents once again in these outstanding stories. Class 2 have written exciting adventure stories, and Class 3 have written thoughtful stories that include a dilemma. Erin has written a...

Class 3 Activities During HBL

Catu Hills. Do you know where they are? Catu Hills are hills in Bedugul, Tabanan-Bali. In Indonesian Studies lessons, students in Class 3 have been learning about myths from Indonesia. After listening to the stories, they were challenged to create their own ‘Nasi...
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