Supporting the transition to University life

Supporting the transition to University life

As they await news about their university applications, Class 12 students are currently discussing how they can prepare themselves for the upcoming transition from school to university, and from the security of family life in Bali to self-sufficient living in ‘what...
Sports News – March 2019

Sports News – March 2019

Dyatmika Basketball has been a strong and passionate sport for our students. There has been a lot going on this 2019 Basketball season thanks to Coach Bowo (Head Basketball Coach) and the rest of the Physical Education team. La Liga Bali Basketball Tournament An...
Reading Matters!

Reading Matters!

Our school-wide reading focus has continued over the last few weeks with the Maths department’s focus. During this time, students have had the opportunity to hear Pak Jon O read from his recommended book, pick up a special reading list bookmark and collect rewards for...
Visit from Dr Mark Hampton

Visit from Dr Mark Hampton

On Tuesday 19 February, our IGCSE, AS and A Level Geography students were privileged to receive a guest lecture from Dr. Mark Hampton from the University of Kent. Mark is a development Geographer researching tourism for poverty alleviation and having worked across...
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