By Radha, Class 6X
Hello everyone! Just recently Class 6 have finished their MOCK exams. Currently, we’re getting ready for our real exams which, let’s face it, can be quite stressful. Luckily, there are many tips out there on how to study effectively and productively for exams!

- Organize your space: Studies have shown that if your space is organized, so will your mind be, and having an organized mind helps when studying.
- Set a routine: That way studying can be slightly easier since it will be trained to study at a specific time. Don’t study too late or too early.
- Study in chunks: Studies have shown that your brain records information better when you divide your studying time into chunks with breaks in between rather than having long-hour study sessions.
- Explain: Try explaining it to someone else or yourself just to see how much you understand.
- Take notes: Taking notes helps your brain remember information better than just reading a textbook. If you hold all your information in your brain it can lead to you being overwhelmed and in most cases, you will forget some things. This isn’t necessary but try writing your notes in color. This method can help your brain remember information better.
- Write: Write down what you want to study for the day. Don’t just write ‘study science’ but write ‘study the human body chapter 1’.
- Quiz yourself: There are many quizzes online or you can make your own quiz online. This year the MOCK exams have been posted on the GC and you can use that to your advantage. Practice tests can be very helpful and it gives you a sense of preparation.
- No phones: Don’t have your phone near you while studying. All those texts, social media notifications, etc will only distract you.
- Know yourself: If you are extroverted, then try studying in a group. It may help you study better. HOWEVER, study groups aren’t all great since it can lead to distraction and perhaps you don’t study well with people.
- Eat: Personally eating something before studying helps me study better. I am not talking about junk foods but something healthier. It makes me concentrate more and I feel more alert.
Studying for exams may be difficult and stressful, and sometimes you don’t do as well in exams as you usually do in class. Studying can help a bit with your confidence and you will feel more prepared. For everyone who has an upcoming exam – good luck!