Welcome to Dyatmika for the start of 2020-21, especially to new students, families and teaching staff. As you are aware, we are back together with Home Based Learning and a strong commitment to our students and their learning.
As a school we can be together, even though we are physically apart. Please watch our Instagram for updates and examples of great things happening in our school community. Our newsletters will continue to appear every two weeks, with a special edition later in August to commemorate Dyatmika’s 25th anniversary!
There will, again, be formal opportunities for community feedback to us. You are also welcome to feedback to teachers, through Heads of School and APLs.
We will continue to update you. Below are some questions that seem to be on people’s minds, with some answers.
When will Dyatmika reopen its campus?
Dyatmika is committed to reopening our campus as soon as the government says that it is safe to do so. We believe that it is in the interest of our students and families to be able to offer some time on campus. The timing is not our choice. The Indonesian Ministry of Education’s current regulations (released on Friday 7 August) will permit school campus reopening when:
- Denpasar region becomes a yellow zone. Please see the government’s map of zones here.
- The Denpasar DINAS gives its permission and approves Dyatmika’s reopening plan.
The government will now allow Primary (SD) and High School (SMP, SMA) to return at the same time, rather than with a 2 month gap. Campus reopening will not be a return to ‘normal’ because currently the government will require:
- Possible limits on student numbers
- Health measures including the wearing of masks, maintaining a physical distance, frequent cleaning of hands
We will ask for parents’ written permission before their children return to campus. Access to online resources via Google Classroom will be provided for students whose parents do not wish them to attend in person.
What has Dyatmika done to make sure that the school campus can reopen when permitted?
We have worked hard in many areas to make sure that the campus can be reopened.
- Developed and shared COVID-19 protocols for being on campus.
- Submitted Dyatmika’s protocols to government and education authorities.
- Attended meetings and lobbied national and local education authorities extensively.
- Held staff training, including from BIMC. The school will provide further training.
- Provided Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to staff.
- Prepared the campus.
Here are some examples: