From 27 to 29 April, Ibu Nadine’s Class 9 English class presented a detailed, in-depth analysis of poetry ranging from Isobel Dixon’s ‘Plenty’ to Edna St Vincent Millay’s ‘Sonnet 29’. Through thorough understanding and interpretation, Class 9 engaged their creative minds in seeking hidden connections and connotations in beautiful poetry.
Through a personal view, the cooperation and teamwork my group partook were copacetic. We shared our opinions truthfully and handled issues by functioning together as a team. We evenly split the tasks between one another, offering help to our members if they needed assistance and were optimistic.
By analysing ‘Sonnet 29’, my group discovered Millay’s intricate and delicately crafted tormented lover complex. The poignant, melancholy atmosphere conveys a strong feeling of pity, empathy and longing.
“It’s very calming,” comments Valerienne, a member of our group, further explaining that she felt it was “…a reminder that it’s okay to feel emotional at an anticipated result.”
Through the preparation and delivery of the presentation, there are many skills I feel I have developed. However, I feel as if my communication and leadership skills have improved the most. Talking to my peers and organising set deals of work, deadlines and compromising has improved my confidence in voicing my opinion and pointing out inaccuracies in group work. I am grateful for such patient and supportive peers and teachers.