On Tuesday, 14 January and Thursday, 16 January, Class 6 went to the Community Garden to collect data about sunflowers. In our Maths lessons, we are learning about different ways of collecting and presenting data and we wanted to put the ideas into practice. We collected information about how many sunflowers grew there, how many leaves were on each sunflower and how tall they were. Before we went, we were divided into groups, with one group consisting of two or three people. In order to measure the height of the sunflower, we were provided with a metre ruler.

First, each group counted the numbers of sunflowers growing and collected the data in a tally chart. We counted the number of leaves and measured how tall the sunflowers were. Afterwards, we counted up our tallys to work out the frequencies. Next week in lessons we will be presenting our findings using the different types of graphs we have been studying. We had lots of fun and are looking forward to visiting the Community Garden again soon to do more Maths!

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