Last Month, the Heads of House held two competitions at different times. The first competition was a photo competition where every homeroom was asked to submit 1 photo. The theme of the photo was “Hero”. The hero could be any person from any background and any occupation. All the participants also wrote a caption for the photo explaining why they thought the person in the photo was their hero. There were some criteria that had to be fulfilled for this competition. The photo could be taken by using a phone camera or a professional camera, it could be taken outside the school from 1 November until 11 November and printed out in 10R size (25.4 cm × 30.5 cm). From 16 Homerooms, the Head of House received 11 photos. There were 3 teachers as the judges of this competition who thoroughly and seriously checked each photo. The result… The winner was 11/12 Tunjung!
A heroic figure does not necessarily mean someone who has super powers or wears iron or steel armor. They do not necessarily need to be someone who is the strongest or have all the powers in the world but simply a heroic figure is someone who does their best in their everyday life to become the best version of who they can be for the people around them. Take Pak Kadek for example. He is just an ordinary man with no superpower who sells sate in a market in Batubulan to feed his family. His old age does not stop him from continuing to support his family, which shows dedication and effort he puts for his family. This quality is priceless in comparison to any kind of superpower or armor, which makes him a hero we all should look up to.
Another competition held by the Heads of House was the Poster Competition. The theme was Health and the competition was held for four days, Tuesday until Friday; a week after the photo competition. During lunch time, every student within the same houses from any classes helped each other to complete the poster. There would be a point deduction if until the last day the Head of House found a blank paper which means if any houses did not contribute to this competition. House Tunjung were back again as the winner of poster competition.