I can hardly believe I am writing this end of year message, after an enjoyable and fulfilling first year as the Director of Dyatmika School. Perhaps it is a sign of age, but it seems to me that this year has passed more quickly than any other in my career so far, or perhaps it is an indication of the old saying: “time flies by when you are having fun!”
So much has happened this year it is hard to remember everything, I therefore hope you enjoy the end of year highlights video that was shown in today’s assembly, to see a summary of many of the wonderful things that have taken place over the year.
PTFA thanks
During the year our PTFA committee have worked tirelessly in support of students, parents and staff. Thank you to Ibu Liz, the outgoing PTFA Chair, along with Ibu Yelly, Ibu Angelique, Ibu Simone and Pak Philip for their dedication and energy this year.
ESC 2022/23 thanks and good luck to the 2023/24 ESC
I have been very impressed by the drive and independence of the Executive Student Council this year. They too have worked tirelessly in the best interests of their peers throughout the year organising activities, events and fundraising.. Thank you to Tasha, Shalya, Madda, Maha and Gretchen. In our end of term assembly today, the incoming ESC were introduced and I wish the following students the best of luck in their new positions: Santi, Elsy, Siwi, Alex and Satria.
High School Awards Night
The High School Awards night was a fantastic evening celebrating the achievements of High School students and honouring our graduating Class 12 students. Well done to all those who won awards and thank you to all of the parents who attended. Special thanks must go to Ibu Ami for organising this incredible event.
Farewell to our leavers and welcoming incoming staff and families
In today’s assembly we bid farewell to a small number of teachers who will be leaving Dyatmika: Ibu Margaret and Pak Rojo (John S) have both reached retirement age, after long and successful careers in education, and we wish them health, and happiness in their retirement. Pak Ridzki departs Dyatmika to pursue his Masters Degree in the UK, and we wish him the best of luck in his studies, he will be missed by students and colleagues alike.
Whilst it is sad to say our goodbyes, it is also a time of excitement as we look forward to welcoming our new staff to the school in August 2023. Details of each of these new members of staff can be found on the Dyatmika Website and I am sure you will join me in giving them a warm welcome. We also look forward to welcoming our new families who will be joining us in August.
Looking ahead to the 2023-24 academic year
There is so much to be proud of and celebrate at Dyatmika, yet good schools constantly strive to do things better and to improve. I am filled with excitement and ambition for the school as I look ahead to the next academic year. I look forward to sharing the final version of the school’s new Five Year Strategic Plan (2023-2028) in August.
When students return to the school on the 14th August 2023, the school will have grown in size, as part of Dyatmika’s planned growth. We ask that parents are patient in the initial days of term as students and parents work out their routines, car pooling arrangements and ahead of the ECAs starting. A detailed letter will be sent out at the start of the new academic year with full information and links to the updated handbook.
I will close by thanking all Dyatmika staff for their dedication, enthusiasm and hard work this year and also thank parents for your ongoing support of our staff and your children.
Have an enjoyable vacation.
Best Wishes,
Pak Jonathan