The PTFA Executive met this week and a general meeting will be held on 26 February. An agenda will be issued via email next week and parents are welcome to add an item to the agenda to be discussed at the meeting. Please email this to the PTFA beforehand. All parents, friends and teachers from the Dyatmika school community are invited and welcome to attend. Last year the PTFA, with the help of parents through the parent rep-groups, announced that a portion of funds raised at the DFF be donated to the Kopernik Palu Emergency Response Phase 2 and Sekolah Relawan. We are pleased to confirm that Rp 10.000.000 in total has been donated to each NGO Organisation; Rp 5.000.000 for each. Both of these groups provide very good support for families and communities in Indonesia that have experienced disaster and hardship. Thank you all for supporting the activities that helped to provide this support.

Results from the Transport Survey are still being reviewed and further discussion will occur in good time.

Please feel free to send your comments, suggestions and questions to and we hope to see you soon.

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