Congratulations to Tunjung who won the most House Points in Term 1. House Points are awarded when children meet the Learner Profile characteristics:
Social and Civic Learning – friendship, teamwork, environmentally responsible, empathy
Learning How to Learn – patience, honest reflection, positivity, resilience, perseverance
Personal Learning – leadership, taking responsibility, confidence, respect, independence
Learning for the Future – flexible, motivated, innovative and creative, problem solver.

There have been a growing number of students reaching 10 house points. Congratulations to the following students who have now achieved this fantastic effort: from Class 5, Belle, Sentana and Mayun; from Class 4, Hira; From Class 3, Lukas, Ara, Mercy and Atisha; and from Class 2, Sloan. Incredibly, one student has amassed 20 points already and huge congratulations go to Nadine from Class 3.