Work With Us
Dyatmika is a not for profit school that reinvests its income back into the school and lives its vision on a daily basis. Our Board of Governors and parent body are very supportive. If you would like to teach in Bali or work within an international, community-based environment, you can find our vacancies on this page.
Experience a vibrant and rewarding teaching experience in Bali, Indonesia.
Bali is endlessly fascinating with plenty of intercultural and lifestyle opportunities. Bali’s international airport offers a gateway to the rest of Indonesia and the region.
Learning at Dyatmika
International teachers teach the Cambridge International Programme to IGCSE, AS and A Level. This curriculum is augmented through a programme of field trips and camps. National teachers also teach into the Cambridge programme in Primary and the pre-examination High School years in collaborative arrangements with International teachers. Elements of the National programme are delivered by National teachers.
Extracurricular Activities and the Balinese cultural programme mean that students have a wide variety of opportunities to broaden their horizons and find their passion.
Our students
Our students are respectful and talented young people who make teaching here truly rewarding. Student leadership is strong and works in a partnership with teachers and parents. Students’ academic success means they go on to universities and colleges in Indonesia and throughout the world, including the UK, the USA, Australia, the Netherlands, and Japan.
Our teachers
All of our teachers are fully qualified. Our experienced international teachers mostly come from the UK, Australia and North America. Our international teachers and Heads of School work collegially with their Indonesian (National) counterparts to plan and deliver teaching programmes based on current, effective teaching and learning strategies.
At Dyatmika we value our teachers, promote professional development and actively develop leadership capacity. International teachers are provided with Indonesian language lessons at school.
Child Protection & Safeguarding statement
Dyatmika School believes that Child Protection and Safeguarding is the responsibility of all members of the school community. We are committed to ensuring that all Dyatmika students are kept safe and free from harm as a result of neglect or abuse: employees, volunteers and parents are expected to share this commitment.
The school conducts background-checks on all staff and adults working in Dyatmika prior to their appointment to ensure they are safe to work with children and have no criminal record. By applying to Dyatmika you are:
- Declaring that you hold appropriate qualifications and experience to work with students
- Stating that there is no reason that would prevent you from working with students at our school
- Declaring you are willing and able to promote and safeguard student safety and welfare
- Supportive of appropriate background checks being made
Further details can be found in our Child Protection Policy and Safeguarding Policy

“Dyatmika is a joyous place with a wonderful community feel, fabulous students and great fellow professionals. I have been able to rediscover my love of teaching and at the same time, further develop my career goals. This school allows ones teaching to flourish while providing teachers with opportunities for pushing back the boundaries of education. The work-life balance is such that every weekend provides an opportunity to travel around this wonderful island or simply to relax on the local beaches, 10 minutes from my front door. Dyatmika and Bali is a winning combination!”
Kevin Johnson
Social Sciences Teacher / Academic & Pastoral Leader

Moving to Bali to work at Dyatmika is definitely the best life choice I have ever made. No more Sunday evening dread; instead I actually look forward to going to work. My work life balance is better than I could ever have expected it to be as a teacher. It was originally my intention to stay here for two years and then try to move to South America; I have just signed my contract for my sixth year and I honestly don’t know when I will ever make it to South America, how could I give up the best job I have ever had in such a fantastic school?!”
Helen Briggs
Head of Mathematics

Arriving at Dyatmika was like stepping into a serene, green oasis with a coastal view I’d only previously dreamed of. My work-life balance is ideal, I have more time to myself and my family than ever before. There’s a great sense of community that makes coming to work a real pleasure. Working with such engaging and respectful children, from all over the world, has been a fantastic experience. Dyatmika’s children are the school’s best asset. There are plenty of opportunities to socialise outside of work hours. The staff were warm and welcoming when we moved; we did not need to worry about any of the details as everything was taken care of by the school. We live in a beautiful villa and I can go to the beach after school for a swim. This move has turned out better than I could have hoped.
Ben Guichard
Class 2 & 3 Teacher
Wonderful Opportunity for:
- National Primary Learning Support Teachers
- National Primary Class Teacher
- National Primary BIPA Teacher
- Accounting Officer
- Receptionist
Current job vacancies for international teachers can be viewed here.