Dyatmika Community
Dyatmika School has a strong and stable community. Dyatmika has a deep foundation in the Balinese community, while welcoming families from other places in Indonesia and around the world. Many families send their children to Dyatmika for their entire school career. Our welcoming school is small enough to recognise and embrace the strength of every individual, yet big enough to be socially diverse. In over two decades of operation the school has grown steadily from 27 students to over 600 students from the youngest in Playgroup to our oldest in the graduating Class 12.

Dyatmika’s parent body is active and energetic in its support of the school. On joining the school parents automatically become members of the Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA).

We are committed to improving the quality of education beyond the school by hosting Indonesian trainee teachers and delivering workshops for teachers from National schools.

Dyatmika also supports its local community through the employment of staff from the local Banjar and through links with various other community focused, environmental and charity organisations.
To follow regular updates about our community and the school, you can follow us on:
All parents also receive a bi-monthly update about the school and community via the Dyatmika Newsletter. This newsletter highlights the key ongoings in the school during the past two school weeks and gives an outline of what parents can expect in the coming two weeks as well.