Staf Kami
Kami bangga dengan staf Dyatmika yang berdedikasi. Masing-masing dari mereka membawa kualifikasi nasional dan/atau internasional dan segudang pengalaman. Kami harap Anda menikmati membaca profil tim profesional yang luar biasa ini.
Jonathan Turner
Direktur Sekolah
Pak Jonathan adalah seorang pemimpin sekolah yang berpengalaman dengan semangat dan rekam jejak yang luas dalam bidang pengaturan pendidikan yang mempromosikan standar akademik yang tinggi.
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Beliau percaya bahwa keunggulan dan kesenangan bagi siswa dapat dicapai melalui fokus pada peluang pendidikan holistik, pemupukan lingkungan belajar dan kesejahteraan siswa. Pak Jonathan juga merupakan seorang mendorong pembelajaran profesional berkelanjutan bagi semua staf.
Pak Jonathan memiliki gelar Magister Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen Pendidikan dari University of Bath (UK) dan gelar Bachelor of Arts di bidang Pendidikan (Dengan Pujian) dari University of Exeter (UK). Dengan karir yang membentang selama hampir 30 tahun sejauh ini, beliau memulai karir mengajarnya di Inggris dan kemudian pindah ke luar negeri untuk mengejar peluang mengajar dan kepemimpinan di beberapa sekolah internasional bergengsi di Filipina, Malaysia dan Indonesia.
Di waktu luangnya, Kak Jonathan suka menjalani gaya hidup yang aktif dan bervariasi dengan berbagai minat. Beliau suka berselancar, bersepeda, bermain tenis, dan berenang. Pak Jonathan juga senang mendengarkan musik dan bermain gitar.
Nicholas Bridges
Kepala Sekolah Internasional PAUD dan Sekolah Dasar
Pak Nick adalah seorang pemimpin pendidikan berdedikasi yang sangat menghargai komunitas Dyatmika. Visi pendidikan beliau menemukan fondasinya dalam penguatan hubungan dan melalui peningkatan kecintaan belajar di seluruh komunitas sekolah.
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Pak Nick memiliki gelar master dalam Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen Pendidikan, sertifikat pascasarjana pendidikan di bidang Pendidikan Dasar, sertifikat pasca sarjana pendidikan khusus dan latar belakang akademis dalam psikologi anak. Beliau memulai karir mengajarnya dalam sistem sekolah negeri Inggris, yang dimulainya di sekolah kota di London Timur, kemudian pindah ke Venezuela untuk mulai mengajar secara internasional. Beliau selalu berusaha untuk memberikan murid-muridnya kesempatan masa depan yang lebih baik daripada yang bisa mereka bayangkan.
Di sela-sela waktu luangnya, Pak Nick terus menjelajahi wilayah Indonesia serta berusaha untuk tetap aktif dan sehat melalui berbagai olah raga, hiking dan selancar. Beliau terus belajar bahasa Indonesia dan memiliki pemahaman yang baik akan bahasa Spanyol sejak tinggal di Amerika Selatan.
Ayu Sugati
Kepala Sekolah Nasional PAUD dan Sekolah Dasar
Ibu Ayu lahir di Singaraja dan menyelesaikan pendidikan S1 nya di Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP UNUD Singaraja. Beliau melanjutkan studi Program Magister di bidang Administrasi Pendidikan di Universitas Undiksha.
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Ibu Ayu bergabung dengan Sekolah Dyatmika sebagai guru ketika sekolah kita pertama kali dibuka dan beliau diangkat sebagai Kepala Nasional PAUD dan Sekolah Dasar di Dyatmika pada tahun 2007.
Ibu Ayu telah mempelopori program Literasi Anak Indonesia di Sekolah Dyatmika dan sering memberikan pelatihan kepada guru TK dan SD di Bali dan sekitarnya. Sejalan dengan misi Dyatmika untuk menjadi sekolah panutan, bu Ayu juga memimpin dan mempresentasikan program membaca di universitas dan lembaga pendidikan lainnya di Indonesia serta memberikan pelatihan mengenai buku anak-anak kepada guru-guru Papua. Ibu Ayu merupakan editor sebuah buku anak-anak Indonesia dan penulis. Salah satu buku cerita interaktif yang ditulisnya telah dipilih oleh organisasi bernama ‘Room to Read’ sebagai buku bacaan perpustakaan di seluruh Indonesia. Beliau juga telah memenangkan kompetisi sebagai penulis esai dan terus menulis buku bacaan untuk anak-anak dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Ibu Ayu berdedikasi untuk keberhasilan Sekolah Dyatmika, sebagaimana banyak kontribusi yang telah ditunjukkannya selama bertahun-tahun. Beliau juga bersemangat mempromosikan ‘Literasi bagi dunia yang lebih baik’ untuk semua anak yang belajar di Indonesia.
Ali Nall
Guru Kelas Internasional dan Ketua Tim
Ibu Ali adalah seorang guru Sekolah Dasar berpengalaman yang berdedikasi untuk membantu murid-muridnya mencapai kesuksesan dan kesenangan individu dari waktu yang mereka habiskan di sekolah. Beliau sangat percaya bahwa anak-anak berkembang dan terlibat di sekolah apabila mereka merasa aman, didukung dan termotivasi dan beliau berkomitmen untuk memungkinkan semua hal ini terjadi bagi siswa dalam asuhannya.
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Ibu Ali memiliki gelar Sarjana Sains di bidang Geografi Kelautan, gelar Master di bidang Perlindungan Lingkungan Laut dan sertifikat pendidikan pascasarjana. Beliau memenuhi kualifikasi sebagai guru pada tahun 2004, dan sejak itu mengajar anak-anak usia Sekolah Dasar dari berbagai latar belakang dan dengan berbagai kebutuhan belajar, baik di Inggris maupun di Vietnam. Ibu Ali juga telah membimbing para mahasiswa magang yang ingin bergabung dengan profesi guru.
Ibu Ali menikmati kegiatan yang berada di atas atau di dalam air, dan akhirnya berhasil mencapai ambisi seumur hidupnya untuk menjadi penyelam yang berkualifikasi sejak beliau tiba di Bali. Melakukan perjalanan juga merupakan gairahnya, dan beliau cukup beruntung karena telah mengunjungi lebih dari 30 negara di seluruh dunia sejauh ini. Ibu Ali juga senang berjalan-jalan di pantai bersama anjing Bali nya, Bonnie, mengajak berjalan-jalan para anjing penyelamat di Bali Animal Welfare Association, mencoba makanan baru dan terus berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk belajar Bahasa Indonesia.
Ben Guichard
Guru Kelas Internasional dan Ketua Tim
Pak Ben adalah seorang guru Sekolah Dasar berpengalaman yang sangat percaya akan pentingnya memberikan setiap anak kesempatan untuk berhasil. Beliau percaya bahwa pengalaman sekolah yang positif dan bermanfaat sangat penting bagi siswa untuk berhasil dalam studi mereka dan di masa depan.
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Pak Ben memiliki gelar Bachelor of Arts dalam Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris dari King’s College London (UK). Pak Ben mulai mengajar lebih dari satu dekade yang lalu di London Timur, di mana beliau bekerja dengan sukses dalam menyediakan semua anak akses ke pendidikan berkualitas tinggi, terlepas dari latar belakang mereka. Beliau mengajar di beberapa sekolah di London, serta memberikan pelatihan sastra awal untuk para profesional lainnya. Dalam karirnya sejauh ini, Pak Ben telah mengajar setiap tingkat kelas dari Playgroup hingga kelas 5.
Pak Ben senang bermain sepak bola dan belajar bahasa. Beliau bisa memainkan gitar bass dan kadang-kadang merekam dan menampilkan musik. Beliau saat ini sedang belajar melukis.
Lindy Jayne Burgess
Guru Kelas Internasional dan Ketua Tim
Ibu Lindy adalah guru yang berpengalaman, terorganisir dan termotivasi. Beliau percaya bahwa setiap kelas dan setiap sekolah harus menjadi lingkungan yang mendukung dan peduli, yang memungkinkan semua siswa untuk mencapai potensi penuh mereka. Ibu Lindy melihat dirinya sebagai fasilitator yang mempromosikan kecintaan untuk belajar, menciptakan siswa yang percaya diri dan bertanggung jawab yang mampu membentuk masa depan mereka sendiri.
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Ibu Lindy memiliki gelar Pascasarjana dalam bidang Pengajaran Anak Usia Dini dari Queensland University of Technology dan Gelar Kehormatan dalam Psikologi dan Sosiologi dari University of Tasmania. Lindy memulai karir mengajarnya di Sekolah Internasional di Vietnam sebelum pindah ke Bali untuk bekerja di Dyatmika. Beliau telah bekerja sebagai guru dan administrator, tetapi hasratnya yang besar adalah mengajar, terutama mengajar siswa cara membaca. Beliau tidak takut untuk mencoba hal-hal baru, yang memungkinkannya bertumbuh dan berkembang sebagai seorang guru.
Ibu Lindy menikmati snorkeling, membaca, dan merajut. Beliau mencintai semua binatang, terutama anjing dan kucing. Beliau secara teratur menjadi sukarelawan di Bali Animal Welfare Association, mengajak berjalan-jalan dan mencintai anjing dan kucing di sana, serta mencintai hewan peliharaannya di rumah.
Melissa Turner
Guru Kelas Internasional dan Ketua Tim
Ibu Melissa adalah seorang guru dan pemimpin yang peduli dan sangat terampil, yang banyak berpengalaman dalam bidang pendidikan. Beliau adalah seorang pendukung kesadaran antar budaya, keragaman dan inklusi. Beliau secara aktif melibatkan dan memberdayakan para siswa; menciptakan peluang di mana mereka merasa terdorong untuk mengeksplorasi, berkreasi, dan berkembang dalam setiap kesempatan belajar.
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Ibu Melissa telah menikmati karir yang sukses selama lebih dari 20 tahun, setelah mengajar setiap kelompok umur dari PAUD sampai Kelas 6 di sekolah-sekolah Inggris dan Internasional di Filipina, Indonesia dan Malaysia. Beliau juga memiliki pengalaman dalam memberikan intervensi Kebutuhan Khusus dan mengajarkan Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa Tambahan (EAL). Bu Melissa meraih gelar Master dalam bidang Pendidikan Internasional dari University of Sunderland, Inggris dan Sertifikat Pascasarjana dalam Pendidikan (PGCE) di samping memiliki kualifikasi mengajar dari negara asalnya, Filipina. Ibu Melissa juga pernah menjabat berbagai posisi kepemimpinan di berbagai sekolah, termasuk menjadi anggota Tim Kepemimpinan Senior Sekolah Dasar di sekolah sebelumnya. Sebagai pendukung kepemimpinan pendidikan, Ibu Melissa berkomitmen terhadap pembelajaran seumur hidup dan kolaborasi kolegial. Beliau senang berpartisipasi dan memberikan presentasi dalam konferensi pendidikan, dan telah membimbing rekan-rekannya serta peserta pelatihan guru dari berbagai universitas di Malaysia dan Australia selama bertahun-tahun.
Minat Ibu Melissa lainnya termasuk membaca, bepergian, belajar tentang berbagai budaya dan bahasa, dan menari!
Philippa Hodge
Guru Kelas Internasional
Ibu Philippa adalah guru yang peduli dan bersemangat, yang percaya akan pentingnya menyediakan lingkungan belajar di mana setiap siswa dapat mencapai potensi penuh mereka. Ibu Philippa telah bekerja di berbagai kelompok usia, mengajar murid dengan berbagai kebutuhan dan kemampuan, dan berusaha untuk menyediakan lingkungan belajar di mana siswa merasa percaya diri, aman, dan mau melangkah keluar dari zona nyaman mereka untuk mencoba sesuatu yang baru.
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Ibu Philippa has a BSc (Hons) in Environmental Science from the UK, after which she began her teaching career in Cornwall where she worked in a Special Educational Needs (SEN) School for students with communication difficulties. This was a job that provided great challenges but huge rewards and led to her completing her SENCO qualification.
Ibu Philippa began her international teaching career in Lombok, Indonesia where she taught Year 5 and 6 students the Cambridge International curriculum as well as holding the position of SEN Coordinator for the past 6 years. Ibu Philippa loves Indonesia and all that it has to offer, including exploring the beautiful island of Bali.
Outside of the classroom, Ibu Philippa enjoys Muay Thai and yoga, as well as walks on the beach with her two dogs. She is looking forward to improving her Bahasa Indonesia as well as becoming a better cook!
Luh Putu Kusumadewi Yuliani
National Class Teacher
Ibu Dewi is an experienced and passionate primary teacher. She believes that every student is unique and enjoys finding creative ways to facilitate their learning in a fun and meaningful way.
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Dewi graduated from English Language Education of Undiksha University in Singaraja (Bali). With a career spanning 20 years so far, she began her teaching career as a teacher assistant in Kennington Primary School in Bendigo – Victoria, then taught early years students in Taman Rama Kindergarten, Denpasar Bali.
Writing children’s story books is a passion that also contributes to her success as a teacher. She feels privileged to have had opportunities to write books for Unicef, Literasi Anak Indonesia Foundation, Literacy Cloud and let’s read – The Asia Foundation. One of her books won the grand prize of The Samsung KidsTime Authors’ Award in 2016. During her spare time, Dewi likes listening to music, reading and lives her life as a Balinese community member in the village.
Nyoman Sri Utami
National Class Teacher
Ibu Utami is from Bali and graduated with a Bachelor of Primary Education from the Universitas Terbuka Denpasar. She was a founding member of staff, having taught at Dyatmika School since it opened in 1996.
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Ibu Utami has fully participated in the development of the reading program at Dyatmika School. She believes that developing a reading culture and a love of reading amongst children is essential in providing them with insight into their own development and the world.
During her time as a teacher at Dyatmika, Ibu Utami has gained valuable experience as a writer and editor of graded books and children’s story books. The books that she wrote and developed are currently being used as books for reading programs in most public elementary schools in Indonesia. She is a speaker and a trainer in various reading development training programs for elementary school teachers nationally. She relishes such opportunities as these allow her to make a major contribution to the teaching and learning processes in classrooms beyond Dyatmika.
Reading novels and watching dramas are activities that she enjoys in her spare time and is a loving mother to her teenage son and daughter.
Erni Hastuti
National Class Teacher
Ibu Erni is a professional and dedicated teacher. She believes that good school communities create learning environments that encourage active engagement enabling students to develop an understanding of their own responsibility as learners. She believes that when learners have the power to take ownership of their learning process, they become agents of their own learning.
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Ibu Erni Hastuti graduated from English Language Education of Sanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta. Over the course of her 18 years teaching experience, Erni has been fortunate to gain experience working with Foundation/Key stage 1 and 2 children and staff teams in a variety of schools. She began her teaching career as a teacher assistant in Yogyakarta International School before joining the Teachers Exchange Program funded by Australia Indonesia Institute. This gave her the opportunity to improve teaching skills and the development of curricula at five Australian primary schools, located in the South West region of Western Australia.
Ibu Erni loves literature and stories, especially children’s books. Ibu Erni Hastuti has written her own children’s books for Unicef, Literasi Anak Indonesia Foundation and Room to Read. During her spare time, Erni likes to be active and healthy, through swimming and exercise. She enjoys learning about other cultures and languages and is currently exploring the Korean language and its culture.
Ni Nyoman Sulistiari
National Class Teacher
Ibu Sulis has experience of teaching in various age groups but found her passion was teaching the younger students. She believes that all challenges we face are a natural part of the process of learning, helping us to become a better person as a result.
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Ibu Sulis has a Diploma in Japanese Language, a Bachelor of English Literature from Udayana University and a Bachelor of Early Years Education Program from Universitas Terbuka Denpasar. Her teaching career started as a Japanese teacher in SMAN 6 Denpasar. She also worked as a Teaching Assistant in Sunrise International School at Kerobokan for 6 years. Her career in Sekolah Dyatmika began as a substitute Teacher of EYP, Primary 1 and 2, before becoming a Primary class teacher.
In her spare time, she likes reading, listening to music, cleaning and doing simple exercise.
I Made Adnyana (Dekna)
Playgroup Teacher / National EYP Coordinator
Pak Dekna is an experienced and passionate early years teacher. He believes that school is a place to align aspiration and creativity. He believes that the happier students feel at school, the better their learning experience will be. Pak Dekna has Bachelor of English Literature from Udayana University and Bachelor of Early Years Teacher Education from Universitas Terbuka Denpasar.
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He began his career in Early Years Education in 2006 as a Teaching Assistant before working as a teacher for students aged 2 – 3 years old at Little Stars Early Learning and Kindergarten. He then moved to Dyatmika as a Playgroup Teacher. Pak Dekna relished an opportunity to join a teacher exchange program to Perth Australia in 2017 to further develop his teaching skills and he continues to expand his knowledge through his daily student interactions.
Pak Dekna enjoys listening to music, watching movies and spending time with his family. He joins in with community services and writes children’s story books in his spare time. His first children’s story book was published in 2021.
Lusia Setyawati
National Class Teacher
Originally from Yogyakarta in Java, Ibu Lusia moved to Bali in 2005 and is an experienced and dedicated teacher. She believes that in learning, there are no full stops but only commas. Learning is a lifelong process, no matter how young or old we are. Ibu Luisa was driven to become a teacher because of her deep love of learning and desire to pass that along to others.
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Ibu Lusia graduated from English Language Education of Sanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta in 2002, and began teaching as a teacher assistant at Yogyakarta International School. Besides teaching in formal school settings, she has also worked as an instructor of an English language course where she taught English to children and adults.
Ibu Lusia enjoys spending her free time reading and singing. Her interest in reading has inspired her to write children’s books for Unicef and Literasi Anak Indonesia Foundation. She is part of a choir and enjoys practising singing techniques and skills, meeting new people from different backgrounds and learning more about music in a fun way.
Ni Putu Pebri Ariati
National Class Teacher
Ibu Ebi is an enthusiastic, committed early childhood teacher with a passion for teaching and a love for young children. She believes that young children learn best through playing, and that meaningful early years experiences strengthen their willingness to learn and be curious about the world.
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Ebi has a Masters Degree in English Language Education from Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) in Singaraja, Bali. Her interest in young children began when she became a researcher for her thesis in a bilingual school in North Bali and so she joined Dyatmika as a Teaching Assistant, before moving into a teaching position.
Being one of speakers in the 11th annual CamTESOL conference in Cambodia was one of the most valuable experiences so far in her teaching career. During her spare time, Ebi likes to watch TV, cook and enjoys her role as a wife and a mother at the same time.
Kadek Meri Puspita
National Class Teacher
Ibu Meri is a passionate and professional teacher who loves to see how children learn and develop in different ways through meaningful learning experiences. She believes that learning is a lifelong process that allows children to explore their potential interests at any point in their learning journey.
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Ibu Meri has a Masters Degree in English Education from Ganesha University of Education. She began her teaching career when she was in university as an English course tutor. Due to her interest in teaching young children, she began working as a Teaching Assistant for class 2 and 3 at Dyatmika and has since experienced teaching across many different ages. She was proud to take on a teaching position, initially as an EAL teacher and then as a Primary class teacher. Ibu Meri is passionate about reading and its impact on children’s development. She enjoys reading to children and published an article about balanced reading instruction for Young learners which she was invited to present at a national conference.
Outside the school, Ibu Meri is a loving mother who always provides the best early education for her children at home. During her spare time, she enjoys her quality time being a mother and continues to explore different places to give the best experiences to her little family.
I Made Renga
National Class Teacher
Pak Renga is a dedicated teacher who has enjoyed working with a variety of different colleagues over the years at Dyatmika. He believes that being a teacher is a noble task, educating people to be better, and promoting lifelong learning.
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Pak Renga is an alumnus of the School of Teacher Training (the State University) in Singaraja (STKIP Singaraja), North Bali and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Teaching. He has also had the opportunity to conduct a teacher exchange program to Australia twice: Melbourne in 2007 and Perth in 2018.
Before working as a teacher at Dyatmika, Pak Renga worked as a tour guide in Bali for over 5 years. He likes travelling, adventure and sports. He loves physical exercise, such as mountain climbing, cycling, playing badminton and tennis. Until now he is active in the tennis club and plays tennis twice a week to maintain his fitness
Ni Made Mestriani (Ibu Ade)
National Class Teacher
Ibu Ade is a dedicated teacher who strongly believes that learning is a continuous process in which the teacher facilitates meaningful learning experiences to help develop students’ knowledge and skills.
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Ibu Ade has a Masters Degree in English Language Education from Ganesha University of Education in Singaraja, Bali. She began her teaching career as an English course tutor and kindergarten teacher in TK Grand Bali Beach, Sanur. Ibu Ade joined Dyatmika as a Teaching Assistant, before being appointed as a Primary Teacher. One of Ibu Ade’s career highlights so far was the opportunity to write and present an article about teachers’ communication strategies at an International conference.
Ibu Ade enjoys spending her spare time cooking, singing, dancing and doing yoga. She likes to go to the beach, river or rice field with her little family on the weekends and holidays.
Ni Putu Martini
National Deputy Head
Ibu Martini was born and raised in Bali. She is an experienced and enthusiastic teacher who believes that students will perform their best when they take ownership of their learning. She nurtures students within a learning environment where choices are provided and appreciated, clear objectives are presented and meaningful feedback is given.
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Martini has a Masters in English Language Education from Ganesha University of Education and her teaching career spans more than 10 years in Primary and the Early Years. Martini started her teaching career by teaching in a bilingual primary school in Jimbaran before moving to Dyatmika as a Teaching Assistant before her appointment as a Primary teacher. She took part in a teacher exchange program to Methodist Ladies College (Western Australia) in 2017 where she observed best practices in their Primary and Early Years programme. To strengthen her understanding on Early Years education, she recently took a basic short course on national early years education and considers continuous professional development an essential part of being a good teacher.
In her spare time, Martini enjoys listening to music and watching movies. She also loves to cook for her family and spend quality time with them at home.
Irvandi Yusup
Music Teacher
Pak Irvandi Yussup was born and raised in Jakarta. Irvandi holds a Masters Degree in Education (Music Education) from the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung.
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Irvandi is an experienced Music teacher, having taught across a wide selection of all Primary levels. He has taught at various schools in Jakarta, Bekasi, and Sumatra, before moving to teach at Dyatmika School in Bali. Irvandi’s music lessons promote a student-centred approach that encourages participation and enjoyment through practical experience.
Outside of teaching, Pak Irvandi, his wife and his twin boys enjoy the beach, swimming together, going to restaurants near the house, and eating their favourite food, Bakso.
Heni Kusumawati
Art teaching assistant
Ibu Heni is an experienced teaching Assistant in Kindergarten. She believes learning should be fun so students enjoy coming to school each day.
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Ibu Heni has a bachelor of Teacher Training and Education and also an additional English Teaching Program qualification. She has worked as a teacher in other schools in Surabaya and Bali, before joining Dyatmika as a Teaching Assistant.
In her spare time she likes to sing and spend time with friends and family. She also enjoys being a mother for her little family.
Music Teaching Assistant
Ibu Dayu is a passionate Music Teaching Assistant. He believes that every student has a different learning style, and celebrates individuality and creativity.
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Ibu Dayu is a graduate of Teacher Education from the IKIP PGRI University Denpasar (Bali). Before commencing her career at Dyatmika School, initially as one of the administrative staff.
Ibu Dayu tries to stay active through Zumba, playing with her children and spending time with her husband and family. She also enjoys listening to music and cooking.
Defrina Martha Widyawati
Teaching Assistant
Ibu Martha is a dedicated and committed Primary Teacher assistant. She believes that every student is an individual with unique capabilities and backgrounds. She encourages the students in her care to be confident and open minded about their learning, socialisation and problem-solving.
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Ibu Martha graduated with a Bachelor’s of International Primary Education from Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (Salatiga, Central Java) in 2018. She began her career as a teacher and has since taught in a number of schools and Sunday schools before joining Dyatmika as a Teaching Assistant.
Ibu Martha enjoys listening to music and singing. She serves in her church community and is part of the choir group.
Dinia Suryandani
Teaching Assistant
Having had a lifelong passion for education, Ibu Dinia enjoys assisting and helping the students grow and flourish in their Primary years.
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Ibu Dinia holds a Masters Degree in 2022 from Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. She has participated in some unique and engaging educational communities at multiple grade levels with a diverse student population. She believes every child brings his/her own great and unique potential.
Ibu Dinia loves to spend her leisure time reading books and cooking. She is enjoying her new role as a wife and a community member of her new home, Klungkung.
Putu Shela Widiawati
Teaching Assistant
Ibu Shela is a passionate and sociable Teaching Assistant. Having worked in education for more than 5 years, she continues to actively seek ways to develop her teaching skills and to create positive impacts for the school community. Shela enjoys her role of supporting teachers, steering the students in their learning, and assisting with lesson preparations.
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Shela holds a Bachelor of English Language Education from Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. She began her career through private tutoring and tuition before moving to Dyatmika as a Teaching Assistant.
Besides the educational world, Shela has an insatiable interest in environmental activities. In 2018, she organised the annual event of ‘Bali Biggest Clean-Up’ by Bye-Bye Plastic Bags in Singaraja. Sometimes on the weekends, Shela volunteers for beach clean-up activities with Trash Hero. She also supports sustainable fashion by rewearing and repurposing clothes. For her balance and stability, she is active in yoga and meditation. She also loves listening to music and reading books.
Ni Gusti Ayu Paramiyogi (Pami)
Teaching Assistant
Ibu Pami is a caring Teaching Assistant who enjoys promoting comfortable, engaging learning environments for students. She is passionate about supporting students and providing assistance to class teachers to help meet the needs of Dyatmika students.
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Ibu Pami holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English Language Education from Ganesha University of Education in Buleleng, Bali, having graduated in 2019. During university, she took part in many students’ organisations and student’s programs in collaboration with Simmon College from Boston, USA. Furthermore, Pami also joined early years teaching programs that were conducted in small villages in Buleleng. These experiences inspired her to commence work as a Teaching Assistant in Dyatmika.
Ibu Pami enjoys art and craft activities including sewing, makeup, drawing and making accessories. Besides art and craft, she also enjoys reading books, travelling and cuddling her pets at home.
Ni Made Yasni
Teaching Assistant
Ibu Yasni is an experienced Playgroup Teaching Assistant. She believes that every student has a different style of learning and is unique in their creativity.
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Ibu Yasni graduated with a Diploma of Kindergarten Teacher Education from PGRI University, Denpasar (Bali). She then continued her studies and received a Bachelor’s of Counselling from IKIP PGRI University Denpasar. Following this, Ibu Yasni began her career at Dyatmika School as a Playgroup Teaching Assistant.
Ibu Yasni tries to stay active by doing Zumba and cycling in her spare time. She also likes listening to music and cooking.
Hindira Laxmi
Teaching Assistant
Ibu Hindira is a dedicated and enthusiastic Teaching Assistant who believes that experiential learning is key to a successful life. She has a genuine love of working with children and feels fortunate to be a member of the Dyatmika Family.
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Originally from Bali, Ibu Hindira graduated from English Language Education at Undiksha University in Singaraja, Bali. She worked as a teacher in National Primary schools and as a private English teacher for adults and children before joining Dyatmika.
Ibu Hindira loves listening to music and writing stories for children. She has written two books for children in Papua Barat, which cooperated with UNICEF and LAI (Literasi Anak Indonesia Foundation). Hindira loves her family, especially spending time with her son and daughter.
Ni Komang Putri Adnyani
Teaching Assistant
Ibu Putri enjoys interacting with students and her happiest moments are when she observes becoming increasingly dependent in their learning.
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She graduated from Ganesha University of Education in 2020, majoring in English Language Education, but began her career as a private teacher when she was still in her sixth semester. After graduating, she continued her career in private tutoring and also worked as a translator. Since joining Dyatmika she has enjoyed being a Teaching Assistant in both the Art Department and primary classrooms.
Ibu Putri loves spending her spare time watching action and science fiction movies. She also likes listening to music, reading and spending time with family and friends.
Ni Made Suniyasih
Teaching Assistant
Ibu Suniyasih or Ibu Arik as students love to call her, is a passionate Teaching Assistant who enjoys supporting students to help them reach their full potential. The more motivated the students are in their learning, the happier Ibu Suniyasih will be.
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Ibu Suniyasih graduated from Ganesha University of Education in 2020. She holds an English Education Bachelor’s Degree. She began her career as a translator and a private English tutor before joining Dyatmika as a Teaching Assistant.
Ibu Suniyasih enjoys reading books about psychology, life, and romance. She loves listening to music, watching movies, colouring, cooking and going to the beach.
Ni Luh Kade Duwinitia Ningsih
Teaching Assistant
Ibu Duwi is a dedicated Teaching Assistant who believes that education is vital to unlock a student’s hidden potential. She finds working in a school which values local wisdom, but also includes a variety of different nationalities and cultures, rewarding and feels fortunate to be a part of the Dyatmika community.
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Duwi graduated from Ganesha University of Education in Singaraja, Bali and holds a Master’s Degree in English Education in 2018. Before joining Dyatmika, she worked as an Admission’s officer in other schools and was also an English tutor. A career highlight so far was being a presenter at a combined international conference where her paper was also published in an accredited journal.
During her spare time, she enjoys watching movies, reading books and listening to podcasts. At the moment, she is trying her best to focus on her new role as the mother of a baby girl and continue her role as a balinese woman as well.
Ni Putu Novita Shandra Dewi
Teaching Assistant
Ibu Shandra is passionate about early childhood education and believes that students and teachers are constantly learning from each other.
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She graduated from the English Education Department of Ganesha University of Education in 2015 and continued her education to gain her Master’s of Education in 2018. Following her graduation, she worked as a teacher of Early Years students before moving to Dyatmika School. Ibu Shandra enjoys reading stories to students and working on art and craft activities with them.
She is the Mother of a little boy who loves cooking and she also loves to cook for her family and explore new foods and recipes.
Ni Putu Wismayani Pratiwi
Teaching Assistant
Ibu Wisma is a committed Teaching Assistant and is passionate about supporting the diverse needs of students from different backgrounds to achieve their potential.
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Ibu Wisma holds a Master’s Degree in English Language Education from Ganesha University of Education, Bali. Prior to joining Dyatmika, Ibu wisma worked as a teacher in a national-based private school.
Ibu wisma enjoys spending her leisure time reading books and sometimes does yoga with her friends. She likes to travel to each part of Bali and around Indonesia.
Ni Luh Komang Alit
Teaching Assistant
Ibu Alit comes from Klungkung but she has lived in Denpasar for some time. She enjoys her role in Dyatmika, assisting the teachers and supporting the students’ needs.
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Ibu Alit gained an Associate Degree, majoring in Primary School Teacher Education, before gaining her Bachelor’s Degree in Indonesian Education from Mahasaraswati University (Bali).
During her spare time, Ibu Alit likes cooking either Indonesian or Western food, finding the recipes on Youtube. She enjoys spending the weekends with her family.
Kadek Nina Harnin
Teaching Assistant
Ibu Nina loves teaching young children and studying languages. She believes that learning is a lifelong process which starts in early childhood and then continues to adult life through formal and informal opportunities including family, school and other communities.
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Ibu Nina holds a Master’s Degree in English Education from Ganesha University of Education, Singaraja. She began her career as a substitute national teacher, teaching Maths, Bahasa and Science. She has also worked as a Class Teacher, a Teaching Assistant and an English Tutor, prior to joining Dyatmika.
Ibu Nina loves reading books, travelling and being a Mother to her son. She enjoys learning new skills especially to do with learning about parenting, teaching and studying new languages.
Agnes Ikarini Damayanti
Support Teacher
Ibu Agnes is an experienced teacher having taught various classes across the Primary School. She believes that schools should be fun learning environments where aspirations and creativity flourish.
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Ibu Agnes graduated in Physics Education at Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta . She began her career as a Junior High School Teacher in Jakarta, before joining Dyatmika. Ibu Agnes enjoys opportunities to develop professionally and a highlight was joining a teacher exchange program in Melbourne Australia.
Ibu Agnes enjoys listening to music, singing, and watching movies. She also likes cooking and especially trying new recipes.
Jonathan Turner
Director of School
Pak Jonathan is an experienced school leader with a passion and track record for leading educational settings that promote high academic standards.
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He believes excellence and enjoyment for students is achieved through a focus on holistic educational opportunities, nurturing learning environments and student wellbeing.
Jonathan has a Masters in Educational Leadership and Management from the University of Bath (UK) and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education (Honours) from the University of Exeter (UK). With a career spanning almost 30 years so far, he began his teaching career in the UK and then moved overseas to pursue teaching and leadership opportunities at prestigious international schools in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. Having worked in leading FOBISIA schools over the years, Jonathan now holds an Individual Membership of FOBISIA and is an advocate of continued professional learning for all staff.
In his spare time, Jonathan likes to lead an active and varied lifestyle with a range of interests. He enjoys surfing, cycling, tennis and swimming. Jon also enjoys listening to music and playing the guitar.
Jonathan Turner
Director of School
Pak Jonathan is an experienced school leader with a passion and track record for leading educational settings that promote high academic standards.
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He believes excellence and enjoyment for students is achieved through a focus on holistic educational opportunities, nurturing learning environments and student wellbeing.
Jonathan has a Masters in Educational Leadership and Management from the University of Bath (UK) and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education (Honours) from the University of Exeter (UK). With a career spanning almost 30 years so far, he began his teaching career in the UK and then moved overseas to pursue teaching and leadership opportunities at prestigious international schools in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. Having worked in leading FOBISIA schools over the years, Jonathan now holds an Individual Membership of FOBISIA and is an advocate of continued professional learning for all staff.
In his spare time, Jonathan likes to lead an active and varied lifestyle with a range of interests. He enjoys surfing, cycling, tennis and swimming. Jon also enjoys listening to music and playing the guitar.
Jonathan Turner
Director of School
Pak Jonathan is an experienced school leader with a passion and track record for leading educational settings that promote high academic standards.
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He believes excellence and enjoyment for students is achieved through a focus on holistic educational opportunities, nurturing learning environments and student wellbeing.
Jonathan has a Masters in Educational Leadership and Management from the University of Bath (UK) and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education (Honours) from the University of Exeter (UK). With a career spanning almost 30 years so far, he began his teaching career in the UK and then moved overseas to pursue teaching and leadership opportunities at prestigious international schools in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. Having worked in leading FOBISIA schools over the years, Jonathan now holds an Individual Membership of FOBISIA and is an advocate of continued professional learning for all staff.
In his spare time, Jonathan likes to lead an active and varied lifestyle with a range of interests. He enjoys surfing, cycling, tennis and swimming. Jon also enjoys listening to music and playing the guitar.
Jonathan Turner
Director of School
Pak Jonathan is an experienced school leader with a passion and track record for leading educational settings that promote high academic standards.
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He believes excellence and enjoyment for students is achieved through a focus on holistic educational opportunities, nurturing learning environments and student wellbeing.
Jonathan has a Masters in Educational Leadership and Management from the University of Bath (UK) and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education (Honours) from the University of Exeter (UK). With a career spanning almost 30 years so far, he began his teaching career in the UK and then moved overseas to pursue teaching and leadership opportunities at prestigious international schools in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. Having worked in leading FOBISIA schools over the years, Jonathan now holds an Individual Membership of FOBISIA and is an advocate of continued professional learning for all staff.
In his spare time, Jonathan likes to lead an active and varied lifestyle with a range of interests. He enjoys surfing, cycling, tennis and swimming. Jon also enjoys listening to music and playing the guitar.
Jonathan Turner
Director of School
Pak Jonathan is an experienced school leader with a passion and track record for leading educational settings that promote high academic standards.
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He believes excellence and enjoyment for students is achieved through a focus on holistic educational opportunities, nurturing learning environments and student wellbeing.
Jonathan has a Masters in Educational Leadership and Management from the University of Bath (UK) and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education (Honours) from the University of Exeter (UK). With a career spanning almost 30 years so far, he began his teaching career in the UK and then moved overseas to pursue teaching and leadership opportunities at prestigious international schools in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. Having worked in leading FOBISIA schools over the years, Jonathan now holds an Individual Membership of FOBISIA and is an advocate of continued professional learning for all staff.
In his spare time, Jonathan likes to lead an active and varied lifestyle with a range of interests. He enjoys surfing, cycling, tennis and swimming. Jon also enjoys listening to music and playing the guitar.
Jonathan Turner
Director of School
Pak Jonathan is an experienced school leader with a passion and track record for leading educational settings that promote high academic standards.
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He believes excellence and enjoyment for students is achieved through a focus on holistic educational opportunities, nurturing learning environments and student wellbeing.
Jonathan has a Masters in Educational Leadership and Management from the University of Bath (UK) and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education (Honours) from the University of Exeter (UK). With a career spanning almost 30 years so far, he began his teaching career in the UK and then moved overseas to pursue teaching and leadership opportunities at prestigious international schools in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. Having worked in leading FOBISIA schools over the years, Jonathan now holds an Individual Membership of FOBISIA and is an advocate of continued professional learning for all staff.
In his spare time, Jonathan likes to lead an active and varied lifestyle with a range of interests. He enjoys surfing, cycling, tennis and swimming. Jon also enjoys listening to music and playing the guitar.
Jonathan Turner
Director of School
Pak Jonathan is an experienced school leader with a passion and track record for leading educational settings that promote high academic standards.
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He believes excellence and enjoyment for students is achieved through a focus on holistic educational opportunities, nurturing learning environments and student wellbeing.
Jonathan has a Masters in Educational Leadership and Management from the University of Bath (UK) and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education (Honours) from the University of Exeter (UK). With a career spanning almost 30 years so far, he began his teaching career in the UK and then moved overseas to pursue teaching and leadership opportunities at prestigious international schools in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. Having worked in leading FOBISIA schools over the years, Jonathan now holds an Individual Membership of FOBISIA and is an advocate of continued professional learning for all staff.
In his spare time, Jonathan likes to lead an active and varied lifestyle with a range of interests. He enjoys surfing, cycling, tennis and swimming. Jon also enjoys listening to music and playing the guitar.
Jonathan Turner
Director of School
Pak Jonathan is an experienced school leader with a passion and track record for leading educational settings that promote high academic standards.
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He believes excellence and enjoyment for students is achieved through a focus on holistic educational opportunities, nurturing learning environments and student wellbeing.
Jonathan has a Masters in Educational Leadership and Management from the University of Bath (UK) and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education (Honours) from the University of Exeter (UK). With a career spanning almost 30 years so far, he began his teaching career in the UK and then moved overseas to pursue teaching and leadership opportunities at prestigious international schools in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. Having worked in leading FOBISIA schools over the years, Jonathan now holds an Individual Membership of FOBISIA and is an advocate of continued professional learning for all staff.
In his spare time, Jonathan likes to lead an active and varied lifestyle with a range of interests. He enjoys surfing, cycling, tennis and swimming. Jon also enjoys listening to music and playing the guitar.
Jonathan Turner
Director of School
Pak Jonathan is an experienced school leader with a passion and track record for leading educational settings that promote high academic standards.
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He believes excellence and enjoyment for students is achieved through a focus on holistic educational opportunities, nurturing learning environments and student wellbeing.
Jonathan has a Masters in Educational Leadership and Management from the University of Bath (UK) and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education (Honours) from the University of Exeter (UK). With a career spanning almost 30 years so far, he began his teaching career in the UK and then moved overseas to pursue teaching and leadership opportunities at prestigious international schools in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. Having worked in leading FOBISIA schools over the years, Jonathan now holds an Individual Membership of FOBISIA and is an advocate of continued professional learning for all staff.
In his spare time, Jonathan likes to lead an active and varied lifestyle with a range of interests. He enjoys surfing, cycling, tennis and swimming. Jon also enjoys listening to music and playing the guitar.
Jonathan Turner
Director of School
Pak Jonathan is an experienced school leader with a passion and track record for leading educational settings that promote high academic standards.
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He believes excellence and enjoyment for students is achieved through a focus on holistic educational opportunities, nurturing learning environments and student wellbeing.
Jonathan has a Masters in Educational Leadership and Management from the University of Bath (UK) and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education (Honours) from the University of Exeter (UK). With a career spanning almost 30 years so far, he began his teaching career in the UK and then moved overseas to pursue teaching and leadership opportunities at prestigious international schools in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. Having worked in leading FOBISIA schools over the years, Jonathan now holds an Individual Membership of FOBISIA and is an advocate of continued professional learning for all staff.
In his spare time, Jonathan likes to lead an active and varied lifestyle with a range of interests. He enjoys surfing, cycling, tennis and swimming. Jon also enjoys listening to music and playing the guitar.
Jonathan Turner
Director of School
Pak Jonathan is an experienced school leader with a passion and track record for leading educational settings that promote high academic standards.
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He believes excellence and enjoyment for students is achieved through a focus on holistic educational opportunities, nurturing learning environments and student wellbeing.
Jonathan has a Masters in Educational Leadership and Management from the University of Bath (UK) and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education (Honours) from the University of Exeter (UK). With a career spanning almost 30 years so far, he began his teaching career in the UK and then moved overseas to pursue teaching and leadership opportunities at prestigious international schools in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. Having worked in leading FOBISIA schools over the years, Jonathan now holds an Individual Membership of FOBISIA and is an advocate of continued professional learning for all staff.
In his spare time, Jonathan likes to lead an active and varied lifestyle with a range of interests. He enjoys surfing, cycling, tennis and swimming. Jon also enjoys listening to music and playing the guitar.
Jonathan Turner
Director of School
Pak Jonathan is an experienced school leader with a passion and track record for leading educational settings that promote high academic standards.
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He believes excellence and enjoyment for students is achieved through a focus on holistic educational opportunities, nurturing learning environments and student wellbeing.
Jonathan has a Masters in Educational Leadership and Management from the University of Bath (UK) and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education (Honours) from the University of Exeter (UK). With a career spanning almost 30 years so far, he began his teaching career in the UK and then moved overseas to pursue teaching and leadership opportunities at prestigious international schools in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. Having worked in leading FOBISIA schools over the years, Jonathan now holds an Individual Membership of FOBISIA and is an advocate of continued professional learning for all staff.
In his spare time, Jonathan likes to lead an active and varied lifestyle with a range of interests. He enjoys surfing, cycling, tennis and swimming. Jon also enjoys listening to music and playing the guitar.