Independence Day

Independence Day

As an SPK school, Dyatmika School always commemorates the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia with various activities that promote the meaning of love for our country. All students are happy to participate in various types of traditional competitions held to...
High School Literacy Focus- August

High School Literacy Focus- August

This month, the Bahasa Indonesia Department introduces our book, word and SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) focus of the month. Book of the month: Hujan is one of the novels written by Tere Liye, it is able to immerse its readers in the story. The novel...
Reading Matters

Reading Matters

We’d like to use this opportunity to remind you of the impact of reading on your child’s progress and wellbeing. A regular reading habit is the most effective way to improve your child’s progress across all of their subjects. Research* shows that reading for at least...
HBL Library Services

HBL Library Services

Dear Parents and Guardians,Throughout HBL the library is continuing to provide services. Students have access to books and other reading materials to support their literacy development and maintain a love of reading. On our new library website, accessible through...
Lunchtime Live is Back!

Lunchtime Live is Back!

Lunchtime Live is back! Throughout the school year, our high school students host regular Lunchtime Live concerts in our school canteen area. These informal concerts enable some of our students toentertain their friends whilst getting some of their first valuable...
University and Careers Corner: Upcoming Events

University and Careers Corner: Upcoming Events

As the new university application cycle kicks off I will be hosting a series of webinars for parents. These will be held via Google Meets after school to also enable students to join. I hope to see many of you there. Tuesday, 25 August: University Applications –...
DrEAM Workouts

DrEAM Workouts

In Primary School we have been talking about the importance of keeping active for both our physical and mental health. To keep healthy, many students have joined our Drop Everything and Move (DrEAM) workouts from 2:00 to 2:30 pm every day. It has been fantastic to see...
Updates from Dyatmika Executive Student Council 2020/2021

Updates from Dyatmika Executive Student Council 2020/2021

First, let us introduce ourselves: Alma (Head of Creative), Maria (Head of Operations), Rocco (Head of Public Relations), Samantha (Head of Finance and Fundraising) and Yoko (President); we are the new Student Council Executives and are all incredibly honoured to take...
PTFA Updates

PTFA Updates

Welcome back! Hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday. We had our first PTFA meeting and it was great to welcome the new parents interested in joining. We of course are still open to more volunteers. Please email us if interested at: we would...
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