Community Garden Upgrade

Community Garden Upgrade

Our wonderful team of site staff, led by Pak Aswin, have upgraded Dyatmika’s Community Garden with a wonderful new shaded area and COVID-19 safety features. When you arrive in the carpark you are reminded about: wearing a maskwashing handskeeping at a distance from...

Halloween Festivities

Current circumstances have prevented the student council from hosting its annual Halloween festivities, Halloween usually being the Student Council’s first big event within the school.  This year, the sitting Student Council has decided to host its second bake...

Dyatmika’s Got Talent Holiday Special

By Pak Conor Our High School talent show is back! This December we will be celebrating our talented students again with an emphasis on the approaching festive period, whilst celebrating the hard work of our students. Full details including how to sign up can be found...

Save Our Planet! (It Is Not Too Late)

By: Radha 6x Last week, Dyatmika students enjoyed a range of activities to raise awareness of Climate Change Week. Guest speakers spoke in Google Meets; a competition and treasure hunt were held.  Climate change is defined as the change in the normal condition of...

What is Class 8 up to in English?

Written by: Mika and Azalea 8XTranslated by: Rebecca 8Y In the spirit of Halloween, Dyatmika’s Class 8 students have been practising how to make our story settings and descriptions more vivid and terrifying by learning about the Gothic Genre and its main features. We...

Nothing is impossible – Class 8 enterprise talk

On 28 October, Class 8 had a special business talk given by Mr Nick Blackbeard. At the beginning of the talk, he opened by giving a summary of starting his rafting business. He explained how interesting and hard it was to begin this business. He repeatedly mentioned...

News from Primary School

By Pak Peter House point updates for this fortnight. The following students have achieved and moved beyond 10 house points.  Class 2: Danesh, Ryan, Gemma-Mae, Violeta, Xavi and Luke Class 3: Sephira and Tara Class 4: Nadia, Mei, Erin, Rachelle and Inayra Class 5:...

Class 1 Learning About Plants and Animals.

By Ibu Lindy dan Ibu Utami Class 1 have been learning about plants and animals. We are trying to grow our own sunflowers. We wrote about how we planted our seeds. You can see Gus Alit’s explanation below. We hope that our sunflowers will grow really tall. We also...

University and Careers Corner: Using the Bridge U Strategy Advisor

On their Bridge U account, all Class 9-12 students have access to a really useful feature called the Strategy Advisor. I think of this tool like an online CV where students can start to keep a record of all the amazing things they are doing in and out of the...
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