At Dyatmika, our vision is for students to develop secure and sophisticated thinking, reading, writing, speaking and listening skills through being actively engaged in their own progress. We strive to provide opportunities for students to practise critical thinking, collaboration, perseverance, empathy and creativity in their English lessons.
We aim to relate students’ experiences in the classroom to real life experiences. It is also very important for us to ensure that all students learn to enjoy reading as a lifelong skill, and we have a programme to support students to achieve this.
Lessons and home learning feature a broad range of activities, including: pair, small group and whole class discussion; formal discussion, presentations and debates; vocabulary work (written and oral) and tests; individual, pair and small group reading and writing tasks; research tasks and creating learning materials for display. We also strive to provide access to a variety of texts from different time periods and cultures.
Students complete a formal assessment in class every term. Prior to this assessment they will have received personal feedback about how to improve their work. Students complete a mixture of typed and handwritten work; we do place an emphasis on being able to hand-write clearly.
Classes 6-8
In these classes, the programmes of study are based on the UK Key Stage Three English Curriculum. Students learn to read, write, speak and listen to a broad range of fiction and non-fiction texts such as: newspaper reports, magazine articles, persuasive speeches, novels, short stories, plays and poetry. There is also a strong focus on technical accuracy in vocabulary usage, spelling, punctuation and grammar, this is integrated into the topics that students study, so that they can understand the real life application of these skills. Two extra English lessons per week are provided by teachers for selected students who need to increase their knowledge base of English Language. Students also have regular library based lessons.

Nadine Winspur,
Head of English